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Mental WellbeingThought


I get mood swings so easily. I get angry, sad, happy for even small small stuffs. How not to over react for situation and stay calm. And also I trust everyone so easily. How not to?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @doctorsmile
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @doctorsmile

Sagarika @doctorsmile

Exactly like me.
I wish I knew the answer.
But I do know one thing.
We have pure hearts, we love for others, we care for them even if they hurt us, we show all our emotions . And all this shows the purity of our mind and soul. We have no filters, we are not two faced. It is a gem and not all people have it. Don’t lose it. Be the same. But be careful, other people may misuse us. ❤️


wow! I never saw this in this perspective. Thank you!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @doctorsmile

Sagarika @doctorsmile

Life is beautiful. Don’t let the negativity around affect you. I know this because I’ve faced the same thing. I can relate to you. ❤️ If there is anything you need, feel free to ask me 👍


Never trust people easily. Thts the biggest mistake one can do. I am not telling you to suspect everyone but but stay cautious always. You don’t know people’s true intentions and what they feel about. and atlast you will feel betrayed. And for mood swings I would suggest you to opt for daily mediations and prayers. Watch some good videos about that you will learn more.


Sure that is a great piece of advice. Thank you…


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