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3am ThoughtsThought


I feel uncomfortable being around people. Is it normal?

8 replies

Nothing can scare you , but your own thoughts. See whenever you feel scared or anxious around other people, just try to address feeling and understand why are u feeling like that. Do you feel people might judge you? Trust me no one has the time to do that they all have their own things to look after. Its just us who is thinking so much about it.


I feel that I’ll be hurt


To be hurt is a power you control. If you give to them by entrusting that they wont use it against you , then that person really have to be close to you. But if you dont evn know them , then their actions shouldn’t even matter to you, sometimes what people say things/do things to others is just a projection of what deep down feel about themselves. So instead of being hurt feel sorry for their situation and walk away.


Some people make me feel uncomfortable

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Thats the easiest , just don’t be around them


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