Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Mental HealthThought


I feel u judging me, I feel u looking down upon me, I feel u making me feel worthless and spineless and useless. F*ck you for making me feel this way. I have always been judged for my mental disorders but being Bipolar is just a PART of my relaity. It is not the only thing that defines me or makes me “ME”. I want to be SEEN and UNDERSTOOD as a person who has some value and some joy and some creativity. I want to be seen and not just judged. I deserve better. Or do i??? I feel u all will never understand what it feels like to be feeling invisible or whatever. I don’t want to come to this platform only to cry all the time but to also how do I make u understand or who do I even tell this to…I am tired. I wish there was a way to find people who are like me so I wouldn’t feel this deep loneliness all the fricking time. One person, who is there for me. I would be there for them too. I would hold them too. I would see them as they see me and together we will build a house of sensitivity and love. Together our house will have happiness and purity and joy and openness. I feel so excited thinking about my future. If only I find this person also. Othrwise there is no point. I will be old alone and miserable. I don’t want that.

2 replies

Even i was in a dump a few years ago but I eventually overcame it. And surprisingly opening up to people helped me with it. We always think we should suffer alone and not bother anyone when we feel low but that’s the complete opposite of what one should do. Find friends who don’t mind the real you and feel worthful not worthless. Hope you’re doing okay now and try to open up to people it will help.

Ko0ei @ko0ei

I’m sorry to hear this dear… Who made you feel like this on the app? Wanna talk about it?

Also, if you wanna just talk you can message me


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