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Social AnxietyThought

Maddy @cosmicsoul

I feel so helpless when people tell me happiness is a choice. I didn’t choose to be this sad. This sadness renders me useless. I shut down I can’t think straight, I can’t do anything other than waiting for it to pass. But it never really does. I feel so helpless when they ask me to stop overthinking. I desperately don’t want to overthink but I don’t know how to stop. I can’t control it. I feel so helpless when they don’t take it seriously when I say that I’m feeling anxious. There’s like this heavy weight on my chest and I can’t breathe. I feel hungry but I can’t eat. It’s a constant feeling of discomfort that I’m not capable of putting into words. I feel so helpless because I try to tell them how I feel but they don’t try to understand.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @labrador
6 replies

You can’t choose to be sad. It’s not in your hand. It’s your emotions which no human, not even you, can control.

Maddy @cosmicsoul

Yes, I don’t chose to be sad; but what if this curse never leaves you and you actually feel helpless ag times. It’s really a feeling I can’t understand.


I know what it’s like


Fuck yes. It just feels like nobody understands. Nobody.
The one person who understood and made me feel loved isn’t “good for me” because how will either of you help the other person out? Yet she is the only person I really care about and she is the only one eho inspires me to become better.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @labrador

Nix @labrador


Maddy @cosmicsoul

Isn’t it feel miserable. 😔


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