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3am ThoughtsThought

Álvaro Sánchez @alvarosss_...

I feel like sometimes I can be the way I want to be and at the same way the way people like me most to be but most of the time I feel so scared and lock in a fake character that I don’t even like and people don’t like either and i don’t know how to unlock and leave that fear of be the me I want to be , because of that I’m struggling with having new friends and keep maintaining the ones I have.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @geeta07
4 replies

Álvaro Sánchez @alvarosss_...

Does anyone relate ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @geeta07

Geeta Waghmare @geeta07

I do friend…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @geeta07

Geeta Waghmare @geeta07

Whenever I make new friends, I struggle keeping definite contact with my old friends…
And in this process I often feel guilty, thinking am I ignoring them…?
Even when I am not doing this on purpose…🙁

Álvaro Sánchez @alvarosss_...

Thank you , you help me so much


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