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I feel like a burden. All of my life I’ve always struggled to make friends and when I finally do they suck. They always say like “I love you” to each other then say stuff like “f#%$ you, you’re annoying, shut up” to me. It makes me feel horrible and I’ve tried to make other friends for so many years but they’ve never stuck. It’s just gonna be a never ending cycle and there’s no point. I don’t want to stay anymore, there’s no point people always say stuff like “it gets better” but my mom, grandmother, dad, and grandfather aren’t happy, they’re never happy.

8 replies

Hey! I’m sorry that you have to go through all this. Well, I’m here for you and would love to be friends with you. You sound like an awesome person. As for your friends, know that no one is supposed to last in your life forever. You deserve people who love you and choose you above anyone at alll times. And you shouldn’t settle for anything less than that love. And for your family, why are they feeling so? Wanna talk about it?


Well my parents are addicted to some things, my dad is addicted to alcohol and smoking and my mom is addicted to smoking and gambling. My dads mom is very sad because she has nobody, she lives in a different country and her husband passed away years ago, same thing with my moms dad.


Hey! Extremely sorry to hear that. But darling, your grandparents have lived their life and now they are facing the pain of loss and loneliness, so I think we can cut them some slack. As for your parents, addictions aren’t easy to deal with, but they can be controlled. Let’s focus on you. You know a fact about the flower lotus, which makes it different from others? A Lotus is surrounded by mud and dirt , that is where a lotus grows. And yet it manages to survive and blossom beautifully, irrespective of its surroundings because a lotus knows its worth. You remind me of a lotus. Don’t let your surroundings put you down, you can shine as bright as the sun!
Take care <3


thank you! this really inspired me and i think it will change my life :)


Thanks, that’s so nice to hear. Also, a pro tip, why don’t you try talking to your grandparents every once in a while. It will make them and you, both, feel loved and less lonely. You got this!


thank you again :)


Sorry to hear that but I think you never came across right friends or say compatible friends. talk to me here I think I can help you


thank you <3


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