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Profile picture for Now&Me member @gangas96

Ganga @gangas96

I don’t know but these days are kind of going good as well bad, kind of mixed. I want to take therapy, but also confused whether should I take it or not πŸ€”πŸ™,
Or can I change myself? This question arises in my mind all the time.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @gangas96
4 replies

yeskaype @yeskaype


Hey, I can understand that it is not easy to clear out your mind and focus on one thing. I think taking therapy is amazing, it just needs some patience and trial and error in the beginning. You can connect, if you want to discuss more. All the best for everything ✌🏽

yeskaype @yeskaype


No, but I can give you contacts for the same. Also, I’m a patient, non-judgemental and understanding listener. So, if I can help, I will 😁

Profile picture for Now&Me member @gangas96

Ganga @gangas96


Thank you for thisπŸ™


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