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I don’t even know where to start from. I just want to cry. I am the too used to of being quiet

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rias98
41 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @rias98

RS @rias98

Let it out. It’s all okay.


My eyes are already swollen and paining. And even if I keep crying till I fall sick I can’t end up happy

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rias98

RS @rias98

You know Even I go through this alot. I feel that i might never be able to find myself happy again, but eventually every dark night ends . And this will too. Even after 3-4 days of crying , i feel a certain strength to move on. So will you :)


I feel ashamed of me every time I do this. Why am I so dheet. Shouldn’t I just die after being so unloved

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rias98

RS @rias98

We are all dheet. Please you are more precious than you think.


Let it out - CRY A LOT - take your time and then think of starting.


Yaa I hv tried this bt every time I come back to square 1


It will come back to square 1 many more times but trust the time talk your shit with people even to the strangers they will relate your situation and trust me relatablity will lead you to some happiness some solution some distraction


People slowly get bored of you. They hv their own lives to live. I can’t mk time for a sad person even if they want to


I hv been looking for solution every where for past many year . Trust me there is none


People don’t get bored if they truly relate I know you must had 2-3 bad experience of it but give it some time see how things turns


Please don’t give up like this I know you are really tired of it its been long but keep on.


I don’t hv a single good experience ever inmy life. I hv always been unwanted. Trust me I know when I say this


Ya there is no other way. I am too dheet to die


I know how it feels and how these things make you out but you never know when things turn out.


Slowly this hope is vanishing


Thats the spirit my boy or girl.


I don’t know if i m going to stay or I want to stay but I hv no exit




Stay A little bit more push yourself somewhat before it’s vanish 100% you will get something


Trust me with this.

Pal @p24

I say this to myself every day and cry even louder

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You are very strong yrrr


Tune bt I don’t want to be strong. I want to be wanted

Zayn @jeet_9

Thats A healthy sign crying makes You more strong but only if you KEEP GOING.

Zayn @jeet_9

Just remember this


I have no other way


Wanted in what sense ?


No one has other way

Pal @p24

In every kind

Zayn @jeet_9

You must feel it cause of the situation you are in but to be wanted you have to be okay with yourself first and it happens by giving things TIME.

Pal @p24

Years passed how much more time

Zayn @jeet_9

See i know you won’t agree to this but in what so ever way or aspect you are better than before, on the basis of our little conversation I can bet that you are much more stronger and opend than before you won’t accept these things cause these will seem to your minor and the situation you are in you ignore minor things especially the good and happy ones.


Yaa I know what you mean


So please Focus on that minors these minors makes A lot of difference A LOT soon you will know that you too have blessings in your life.


I don’t know about blessings I m simply living

Zayn @jeet_9

See the contrast that simple living is itself A blessing think about it, I know all these sound so boring but that’s the thing


No it’s not boring it’s the truth

Zayn @jeet_9

See you know that, get stick to it


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