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I can’t get over this guy from last 5 years. We never even dated. He is just a friend. We went on one date. And then he was dating someone else and I was dating other people. But I just couldn’t get him out of my head. We became good friends but then stopped talking a year ago. I recently got a health scare and I realised that like is too short and told him how I felt but he moved away to another continent. Now my head is messed up and I still can’t move on. Or get him out of my head.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife
9 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife

Joy @joyforlife

It happens when the guy is really good. Don’t think too much. Just talk to him as a friend that will make you feel better. It’s okay if you like a friend alot.


Yeah, but he’s moved to another country. He will meet people there and I want him to be happy. But my heart is just sinking. And I don’t want to impose by texting him a lot.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife

Joy @joyforlife

Let him decide this. If he also feels the same, no matter how many peoples he meet, he will be there for you. But if he doesn’t reciprocate, then you also will have to move on

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Okay sure.


That guy School but you cannot do anything now so if you have feeling for anyone just tell them don’t think about your kejection and if they don’t like u but said yes oone day they will leave so be grateful if there rejected


I know there r spelling mistake


I am trying. So hard to move on. My mind wanders to him. Everytime I think of him my heart hurts.


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