What happened ?
Jhane @jhanemvm
I am quite having a midlofe crisis
Oh someone cheated u ?
Jhane @jhanemvm
Yep but it happened almost a year ago I just cannot move on
Its ok.
It takes time to move on depending on how much u were into it.
Jhane @jhanemvm
But we just met few weeks ago :(
I can understand ur feeling I m also not able to forgot my first nd last love 😔😔
But stay strong nd control urslf
Stay strong frnd
Tejas Shelar @smash789
Before meeting,did u have a thought of her
Jhane @jhanemvm
Since affer the break up I am still thinking of him
Tannu Dahiya @tannu_dahiya
Ctrl urslf nd try to forgot him
Tejas Shelar @smash789
What was the reason for break up