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How does one cope up with depression… Am I in depression… I’m just confused… I’m always tired, don’t have energy to do things that I like… I’m easily irritated, at times can’t concentrate on anything… Can anybody help me and clear things out for me…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
12 replies

Do all things what you love.


Tried… I’ll think of it, even start it… But then I’ll just leave it… I just cant understand what’s happening.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

What happened. Has it recently started…


Yeah… I’m feeling like this most of the times, it’s happening from last one month I guess… At times I feel like crying, for no reason at all… I also feel as if life is slipping out of my hands… I’m not in control of everything, then I feel helpless about it…

There are moments of happiness in between, but they are like pockets and once the moment is gone, I feel low again.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

This can happen with anyone. Anything has happened recently or there is nothing in particular?


I can’t pinpoint exactly… Many things have happened in last few months, in my professional as well as personal… Maybe it’s all these changes that I’m not able to adjust to… I don’t know…


Oh i am so sorry that you’re going through this phase, may i know if this is maybe due to some incident of present or past or any kind of anxiety of future ? Then it would be bit easier for me to know so.

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I just think it’s everything… My work, it’s what i have wanted to do from a long time yet I don’t feel like going to office. I used to travel a lot, god every thought of mine consisted of going to this place and having this food… Now i just want to go home, have my food and lie on my bed… I’m surrounded my people yet I feel lonely, there’s no one with whom I can share my thoughts and feelings, thats why I’m using this app here… I’m also at times scared of my future, where will this present steps lead me to…


I can understand this feeling as i myself am suffering from depression from so long years so these things makes sense to me and yes we can surely talk, you can drop your ID will message you and don’t worry i am in no position to judge you in anyway.

Vish @visky

Ping me.

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