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Profile picture for Now&Me member @lostandconfused

Issy @lostandconfused

how do i ask my parents to take me to the doctors to get me diagnosed with anxiety? i feel like i just want to end the confusion now.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @archita28
2 replies

I am scared to talk to my parents about seeing a therapist too. I just want to know whatโ€™s wrong with me.

But I guess that we have to take that first step and actually open up the conversation so that they can be aware that youโ€™re not feeling well.

Iโ€™m sure theyโ€™ll understand and help you in anyway they can.

Take your time and talk to them when you feel ready.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @archita28

Archita @archita28


It was hard for me too. I totally understand. Talking to them is the only solution. Sometimes what I like to do is pick a parent you are closest to you and write a letter (I know old school) but sometimes we are just not able to express our feelings out aloud So write whatever you are going through tell them how you really feel and how you are certain that therapy is right for you. They love you sweetheart They want you to be happy everything will be ok. Iโ€™m here for you And you are soo strong you can do this


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