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How did you/ or would chose your career, like tell me some points on the basis of which i should decide what should I do in my life…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pragnyaa
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kunal11
9 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pragnyaa

Choose a career which you are interested to do in. Do not opt for a career which do not interests you and just don’t do it bc your parents want you to


And what if that path doesn’t give us good monetary results later in life?


Every path has its own pros and cons.Hardwork and consistency are the keys. You should not worry about the results unless you didn’t give 100% of efforts


Okay thank you so much!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kunal11

Kunal @kunal11

Choose something you are actually passionate about. If you want to achieve greatness you must be willing to suffer along the journey and not just give up. Something worth suffering for. Happiness and all matters but those are shallow motives and aren’t permanent. Your reason for doing your job, must have strong meaning and reason behind it. What is it that you’re willing to fight for in life?


I wanna become a writer. And i have alsoade a rough plan for what i should do ahead. But still there are many doubts that what if i am not capable of doing this,even my close ones are giving me an attitude that incant do this. It’s like i am very afraid cause after all my whole life is ahead once i chose a career


Being an author is possible for you, no reason why you can’t do it.
But have a strategy in place.
It’s not a well defined path like engineering or mba or doctor that you just graduate and start earning.
Have another source of income on the side, a regular job you can tolerate. But also have enough free time to keep writing. Don’t give up, keep writing, keep reading. Once you publish your book, you might not get immediate success but keep at it. One day you will prevail. And that’s when you can become a full time writer. Give the script to Netflix, they’ll make a movie. You’ll play with money. There’s a lot you can do. Just strategize and play smart.


But for that i will have to do English literature. I really want to do this subject cause its a subject where you learn so much about life, and i am also good at it. And i can’t do anything else besides if i pay my entire attention to this.


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