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3am ThoughtsThought


Hi um … I’m in 12th grade rn and I want to study psychology but idk howto tell my parents about it…😩
Can anyone help me out??? Like hoe to confront my parents about it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shiuli
8 replies

I’m also in 12th grade and I have chosen something that they don’t like, but honey is your lifee, you have to choose yourself initially and than your parents, tomorrow you will find difficult to work in something you don’t like, don’t desperate yourself , make clear your parents that is you life and your decisions❤️


Maybe they don’t agree with you, but they will get used to the time


Good to hear that. Well would u mind connecting? Cuz I feel like i can have a good conversation about this with u… it’s somewhat relatable 👀


Yes of course, therefore I write you🥰 Also I like the fact that we are the same age and we can understand each other

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shiuli

Carefreehippie @shiuli

Okay i have something to suggest you through which there is a chance that they might me convinced! Tell them why you want to pursue it out of all the other courses! Tell them why is it so much important to you! While reasoning out these show some emotion! It will be great if it comes naturally! But ya being clear about the purpose of your profession makes our parents believe in us. All the best!


Thanks buddy I’ll definitely try this out

Suman Yadav @sumii

First give your exams. Then after your exams talk to them about y u want to pursue and how confident u are in pursuing it. I am teacher by profession and I see many kids in this confusion. Clear communication is the key. Psychology is a great field.


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