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Hi can this be possible …that someone who is your friend gets rude and after 2 years of non talking suddenly he comes and u start talking again like friends when one day he tells u that he fell for u and still he is calling for u and that’s the reason he was away from you as I was in love with someone else and he wanted me to send him away in ego…is this possible…well v two are friends but in different countries and never met but he is an open book for sure and I know all about him …I respect him but idk if it is to be believed or not…guys plz guide

Profile picture for Now&Me member @satyajeet
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @satyajeet

Satyajeet @satyajeet

Hey there! Hope you are doing good. I just had to reply to your post cause it is something I have been through and am kind of in a similar situation. I hope this message helps you find your answer.

To start with, I would say it is possible for a person to love you and not want to be there in front of you talking to you cause it might be hurting them to see you with some other person. It isn’t easy to push yourself away from someone you genuinely want to be with, and sometimes it is challenging to take that step. I met this amazing, gorgeous, kind-hearted lady over a social media platform and I would say I am happy that I took the step of talking to her. It is difficult for me to talk with strangers and build relationships being an introvert. But this girl knows me in and out and has been the supporting pillar since then. I fell in love with her so hard that it seemed impossible to move on from her. We haven’t met. We both live in different countries, and god knows when it would be possible for us even to meet, but the thing is, the relationship I have with her is so real and raw that I could never think of ever giving up on her even if it means just being friends with her. It is hard to believe that someone can do something like this, and you are not wrong to doubt it. But I always say this to myself, ‘it is not what you see; it’s what you believe.’
I had to push myself away from her as she was dating this other guy. I did that to help myself be in a better mental state to grow and understand the situation I was in. it is so hard to understand human behaviour cause everyone has a unique way of perceiving things and reacting in a way they feel is right for them. We ended up deciding to be friends and to see how things turn up when we meet each other. We won’t stop each other from being with someone else if found along the way.

My whole point of writing this lengthy message was to tell you there are people out there who are genuine and honest but it is also difficult to believe in reality. Do you believe in him and things you guys have shared to be true? Are you willing to take that leap of faith cause being with someone having trust is just about taking the leap of faith with that person? I understand how disheartening it could be if it doesn’t end up the way you want it to be but at least you won’t keep wondering how it would have been if you had taken that leap.

Hope this message was a help in a way and I hope you find your answer. Believe in yourself and the little voice inside of you it always wants the right thing for you. Take care, stay safe!


Thank yo so much for replying…means a lot…yeah I have respect for him, I know him …he is someone who is very strong and don’t lie because he believes in himself his steps everything his work everything…I like him for what he is…v 2 r pretty different and I m still not able to ask him how this all came… because I know opening up for him is not easy


I posted it again …to see more views on it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @satyajeet

Satyajeet @satyajeet

I understand, but sometimes having these difficult conversations is the only way to make a relationship even more meaningful. You should communicate with him and get to know about it. I mean it would also help you have a better understanding of the person and where he comes from. Being different from each other I feel is the best thing, you have so much of space to learn and share things with each other. Having different perspective over situation and things you thought didn’t exist. Look at it as an opportunity.


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