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Hi, at the beginning of new school year I saw a really cute, handsome guy. After some time I found out we’re leaving about 5 minutes far from each other and we’re going to school by the same tram. The thing is we don’t know each other, almost every day we are just going next to each other to school. But now I feel I’m going to explode I can’t keep just walking anymore. I want to do something really much or him to do sth first but I don’t know how should I start. Please give me some advice

17 replies

So first try to ignite a normal conversation like in which school you are studying where do you live…you are going in a same tram for over a year now, I agree that you don’t know each other but at least he had also noticed you and when you started talking so try to know his interest and then the mega move what is your insta/snap then you exchange your insta and they progressively you will start talking and then who knows he might became your next boyfriend just saying keep your adrenaline hormones in your control and be focused because sometimes in these situations sometimes we act little strange… so I hope it helps…


Thank you but my problem is that I don’t know how to start to talk to him


Start casually in which school you are going… what’s your future plan… try to do it casually…


But my problem is that we know we go to the same school we just go behind each other and I don’t know how to even go to him


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