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Hey. I’m new on here but I have a question I was hoping to get an answer to. Do any of you guys feel like you dissociate? If so, do you guys know what to do to help stop it? I can barely handle getting through my everyday life because this is such a problem for me right now. Thanks <3

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @bulbul95
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That would be helpful. Do u have advice to give to people who dissociate?

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @bulbul95

Firstly we need to understand the basic mind-body relationship. For eg- when you get fever you’ll feel low, your body will have physiological changes and your behaviour might show irritability. So the changes do effect our mood and behavior. But in certain stressful situations when we aren’t able to process the stress properly and it’s somewhere affecting us in the background our body speaks by dissociating. It acts like a protective mechanism or a mental escape.

These episodes will happen frequently if the stress is unresolved.

And usually we aren’t able to recognise but the stress and anticipation leads to frequent episodes.

We can notice the pattern and try out some grounding techniques to distract us (eg. Backward counting)… you’ll get a lot of options on the internet too…

Practice self-kindness

Process the stress by talking about it with a professional (at times we aren’t able to recognise where things go wrong)

Try progressive muscle relaxation

Visualising good memories

Touch something comforting

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @bulbul95

No no

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

I’m going to try this. Thank you! I do some journaling and I’ve been recently trying to pick it back up because I feel as though that’s the only thing that grounds me rn. Can dissociation come from anxiety and stress like u were saying?

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @bulbul95

Yes stress and anxiety can lead to dissociation


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