Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @consecrate

Abhishek @consecrate

Health is not just a physical aspect . Today modern medicine says that man is psychosomatic . what happen in the mind naturally happens in the body . what happens in the body turn happens in the mind .
So, the way we are living here our attitude , our emotions , the basic mental state , the level of activity we are going through , how streamlined our mind are , all these are very much a part of your health.
If we humans invest about 25 - 30 minutes , a day in the morning , towards our inner wellbeing , towards certain simple processes with which we can engineer our body and mind to experience full health and wellbeing , then each of us is capable of living healthy and well .

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @empty01

Iike meditation.


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