Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Annisa Azzahra @nisa


If you’re struggling right now and feel like the world is much bigger and stronger than you’ll ever be; if you feel like the days are long with darkened skies that will never shine— I want you to know one thing. Growth is not found in comfort.

Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth is found in the murkiest of waters. Swimming through these murky oceans of pain will NOT be easy. You will drown, you will ache, and you may even lose parts of yourself. But you need to remember that no matter how much you’re struggling, losing and bleeding, you’re a strong one. You’re a resilient one. You’re a brave one.

You will make it through like you always do. And you will grow. You will look back and you will be so grateful for all this pain because it will have given you the bittersweet gift of incredible growth.

So hang in there. 🙏

🖋Annisa Azzahra

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Annisa Azzahra @nisa

Good to know it…<3

Mansi Singh @mansiii005



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