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Due to some greedy people abusing the system, some needy person gets deprived of their necessities. It makes me mad like how some people lacks conscience.

I was watching a video on how big food chains dump their food in the garbage bin rather than distributing it among the homeless or taking the food to the homeless shelter. My immediate reaction was anger but when I watched the full video it made me think differently. In the video there was a small food business owner doing the same (donating food to poor people) every night but unfortunately he had to pay a heavy price for his kind gesture. First, his business slowed down drastically since people showed up at the restaurant during the closing time. Apparently the word got out that the owner was giving away free food to the homeless people, so even if some people could easily afford the food there, the chose stand in the queue with the homeless people to get FREE FOOD. Another business owner got sued because a customer, who was not homeless, got sick after consuming the food which he gave away. Turns out it was a false accusation since the customer wanted FREE MONEY.

Another example is India’s reservation system. Since there is no income cap for reserved categories the rich and privileged so called backward castes becomes richer and the people who actually need the reservation stays at the bottom. I highly doubt whether the backward castes residing in rural India actually knows they have certain rights and privileges the can avail to uplift themselves or not.

My neighbor is a doctor (general physician). Every week for a day or two he travels to his home to treat the downtrodden people of his village for free. His home is located in a village where only few houses have electricity. He receives some medicine samples for free so he gives them away to poor people. He told me that some people hailing from upper middle class families (mill or warehouse owners), who can easily avail medicines from nearby pharmacy or actually travel to cities to buy medicines comes to him for FREE treatment. They literally take the medicines meant for poor for FREE. He once confronted them and they only retaliated by saying he has become ‘money minded’, because he refused to give them FREE medicines which were meant for poor.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fatouma73
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @fatouma73

fatouma73 @fatouma73

you have a good observation and intrepretation
thank you for this


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