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Do you think that respect should come with age ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tobediscovered
4 replies

yes. the experience older people have is one of the reason.


I believe that respect should come with being just β€˜human’ and everyone should be respected as a living and breathing being. Be it a 10 year old kid or a 70 year old person, everyone should be respected.


No. Respect grows out of courtesy & kindness. Be kind to that 12 year old kid that is riding their bicycle on the sidewalk / pavement and step out of their way.

If its your manager, acknowledge that they are where they are due to experience and try to learn from them.

Listen to people around you and if you can, help them. This is respect.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tobediscovered

Respect cannot be showered based on age according to my perspective.One earns and give respect by their work. We must have humble respect to all who have experiences more than us or less than us ,achieved more or less,age young or old because what we give is always what we earn in return. So being disrespectful to a young mind and to bow to an elder is meaningless.


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