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3am ThoughtsThought


Do you also feel a bit numb during some days. Like you wake up all happy but in sometime, there is an empty feeling and you can’t figure out the reason behind that. You don’t feel like doing anything.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jadukijhappi
5 replies

Yeah man i do!


Okay. I understand. So do u want to do anything about it?



Profile picture for Now&Me member @jadukijhappi

sunflower @jadukijhappi

yes, I do. lately, I have been feeling a lot like this. even the things I used to enjoy don’t give me joy. I don’t know how long will it last? I can’t go on like this. what I am doing is trying different things, even if it doesn’t;t make sense, I am doing things that I wished I would do. But with a lot of patience and love. take it easy.


Look. Each and everyday is not same. There will be days when you won’t feel like doing anything or even waking up. But still you are choosing to get up and get through the day, ending it… Okay… Not in the best way… But still you made it. The conclusion is that you should be proud of yourself that instead of giving up, you are choosing to get up and start the day. You are a warrior. Not everyone can do that.
So… Hang in there. You have a long way to go… Close your eyes and imagine the day when you are satisfied with whatever you have achieved and dreamt of.


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