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Profile picture for Now&Me member @doctorswift

Currently I am posted in mucormycosis ward. Half of the patients here are operable and other half are inoperable. And inoperable have invasive fungal infection which has spread throughout brain. Initially some of the patients we had, came with infarcts in brain and all we could do was add blood thinning agents to dissolve clots. But I noticed that it’s not helping…these patients…so I discussed with consultant and he said you see…it’s not the clots/thrombus which is occluding the blood supply to brain…it’s the fungus. Yes. And you can’t dissolve the fungus and when it’s just so extensively present in brain there’s not much you can do for these people…which makes me sad. Also we had a 24 year old girl no history’ of covid or covid treatment or oxygen intake still had inoperable mucor…turns out she was taking coronil for months to prevent a covid infection and coronil is nothing but a plant based steroid which only made her more susceptible to mucor and she died.
Sigh. I wish people in India paid more attention to real doctors and not to quacks and baba’s.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @doctorswift
8 replies

Thank you so much for this information. God bless you. After covid treatment after how many days does this fungul infection affect us?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @doctorswift

Upto 1-2 months.


Its been one month since my father has recovered from covid. After 20 days of his discharge, we did the orbital MRI and there is no sign of any infection. Is he out of danger now?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @doctorswift

Most probably yeah

Profile picture for Now&Me member @doctorswift

Amphotericin b and posaconazole the widely used medications are so so toxic that you gotta send blood investigation of patients alternate day and poke them with needles every other day for which they complain a lot. But we have to see if the kidneys are well after ampho injections.
Yesterday we ran out of amphotericin so we decided to give patients posaconazole injection and it caused severe drug reactions in 11 of 35 patients in my ward. Which just increased my work. Ugh. It’s hard.


I thought since the cases are declining everyday, we were done with covid but after reading this dont think so. A person who has got the vaccine shot is he safe feom fungas pr not?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @doctorswift

Normal people don’t get fungal infections. Fungal infections are associated with low immunity states , diabetes uncontrollable , hypertension , covid recovered who were on venti or bipap. The thing is those patients who were on Bipap had to breath through a small claustrophobic mask which Increases chances of infection these masks could not be sterilized or autoclaved everyday along with flowmeters. This doesn’t affect normal people. So no relationship with vaccine perse.


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