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Can someone give me some healthy weight losing tips??? I would like to take some realistic tips that has actually helped people!

12 replies

Start counting calories you consume and calories you burn
Your main goal is calorie deficit.
Eat limited and avoid oily, cheesy etc (you know what to avoid)
Weight lifting exercises are better than cardio.
Combination of both of these are the best.
Bhooka kabhi nahi rehna h! Khana hai but green veggies and low fat chize khani hai.
Fasting try karoge to effect ulta ho jata h so it’s better not to do that.


People burn like 2000 calories per day and then eat a pizza burger that alone contains more than what you burn
And then expect that they’ll lose weight.
You have to keep track otherwise it wont work!


Soja bhai
Cool nhi lag rha isse


For me, personally intermittent fasting has worked alot. Also I started limiting my appetite and improving my gut health.


It’s really helpful if you don’t eat everything after ending the fast😂
Most of the People eat for whole day in a single time to prepare themselves for fasting😂


I don’t, I tried to keep in mind that fact. I do consume but limited it to only healthy alternatives tho.


Good for you
Keep it up :))
And goodnight


What is your current weight if you are comfortable sharing? (I can be more helpful if I know is all 🙂)


Last time (2 months back ig) when i checked i was 55kgs but i think i have gained more now and my height is 5ft


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