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Can anybody who has went to a therapist before let me know what therapy actually is? I don’t find it easy to go to a stranger and start talking about my life just like that. It’s hard for me to open up. What happens when you enter a therapist’s room for the first time? I really need therapy, I’m ruining my life. Kindly help me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme
11 replies

You can get an online therepay if you are not comfortable in physical setting. They generally do 4-5 session to open up and give a step by step pointer. What happened to you, why are you feeling low


But I don’t want to do it online. Have you ever been to therapy?


Yeah I have accompanied one


Just do one thing talk with people you feel comfortable with and do what you wanna do don’t share your feelings until you can’t hold them , listen to others and their life problems help others It will help you to recover or just go for a long walk


The thing is, I have nobody to talk to. I really need to go to therapy but I’m scared.


How old are uh? ☺️




Idk if it will help you or not
There are so many things you can do
Go out and make some new friends
Watch something that makes you feel good
Movie/anime/drama/web series anything
Or just hangout with your family and visit some religious places with them
Read books , listen to music, eat your favourite food, go to Jim 🤭
Just don’t sit and overthinking make yourself busy
Love yourself just enjoy your own company people will beg to be your friend
Your sunshine ♥️
So just be like sunshine 🥰
Take care of yourself ☺️


I have friends and my family lives abroad. I posted this because I really need therapy. I have to learn and unlearn a lot of stuff. I have to process the traumas. Not everything can be fixed by going out 😊 btw thank you for being nice.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Hi,what happened?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

hey fren 🤍 we are here to help you ✨ we think talking to an expert might give you a better understanding and insight regarding the same. we can connect you to an expert from our expert panel. we really think you will like it. 🤍✨


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