How to Stop Intrusive Thoughts: A Comprehensive Guide

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18 January 2024

12 Mins

Have you ever experienced strange thoughts suddenly, without any context? For instance, you are in the midst of your daily routine but out of nowhere, you have a strange thought or vision in your mind. It can be something weird, such as imagining yourself doing something embarrassing in public, or it can also be negative, like thinking about hurting someone, even though you would never actually want to do it.

The important thing to know is that you are not the only one who experiences these random thoughts. They are called "intrusive thoughts," and lots of people have them. Therefore, understanding that these thoughts are very common is the first step toward managing them. So, let’s dive into how to stop intrusive thoughts and why they occur.

What Are Intrusive Thoughts?

Intrusive thoughts are unwanted and involuntary thoughts, images, or ideas that enter your mind without your control. These thoughts can be strange, disturbing, or even distressing, and they often seem to come out of nowhere. They can range from fleeting and harmless, like imagining yourself making a social blunder, to more troubling thoughts that go against your values, such as thoughts of harm coming to yourself or others.

If you are wondering how to stop intrusive thoughts, it is crucial to understand that having them does not mean you actually want to act on them. These thoughts are a common aspect of the human experience and are not necessarily a reflection of your true desires or intentions. Many people experience intrusive thoughts at various points in their lives, and they are not a sign of personal weakness or moral failing.

It is normal to get a sudden wave of intrusive thoughts and lose yourself amidst it. Learn how to effectively control them with professional help for free.

So Where Do Intrusive Thoughts Come From?

Intrusive thoughts can arise from various sources and the exact origin can vary from person to person. If you are wondering how to stop intrusive thoughts, it is important to understand the possible reasons behind them.

Here are some potential factors that contribute to the emergence of intrusive thoughts:

1. Normal cognitive functions

Intrusive thoughts are often considered a normal part of human cognitive functioning. The brain constantly generates thoughts, and sometimes, random or unbidden thoughts can surface without any apparent cause.

2. Stress and anxiety

Increased stress or anxiety levels can contribute to the frequency and intensity of intrusive thoughts. When the mind is under stress, it may produce more thoughts and some of these thoughts may be intrusive in nature.

3. Mental health conditions

Certain mental health conditions, such as anxiety disorders or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), are associated with a higher prevalence of intrusive thoughts. In OCD, for example, intrusive thoughts can be more persistent and distressing.

mental health conditions

4. Traumatic experiences

People who have experienced trauma may be more prone to intrusive thoughts related to their traumatic experiences. These thoughts can be a part of the mind's way of processing and trying to make sense of the trauma. For example, someone who has survived a car accident may struggle with intense thoughts about that event as his or her brain is processing and dealing with the trauma.

5. Environmental triggers

External factors, such as specific situations or triggers, can initiate intrusive thoughts anxiety. For example, being in a crowded place may trigger thoughts related to social anxiety or embarrassment.

environmental triggers

15 Practical Tips for Managing Intrusive Thoughts

While intrusive thoughts can seem overwhelming, it is necessary to recognize that they are just thoughts and that you can address them effectively.

If you are wondering how to stop intrusive thoughts, here are some practical strategies to help you deal with them and prevent them from negatively impacting your day and wellbeing.

1. Try visualization technique

Use visualization to establish a sense of separation between your rational and intrusive thoughts. If you are wondering how to get rid of intrusive thoughts, start by finding a quiet place to sit or lie down. After that, close your eyes and imagine your intrusive thoughts as leaves flowing gently in a stream or moving beautifully in the sky of your mind as clouds.

Notice how turning your thoughts into tangible images helps you distance yourself from the intrusive nature of those thoughts. With consistent practice, this method can help you reduce your identification with intrusive thoughts, increasing your sense of ease over time.

2. Spend quality time with pets

When you spend time with animals, it helps you focus on the present moment and does not give your brain time for any distractions. The playful and affectionate nature of them serves as a powerful diversion from any intrusive thoughts that might be bothering you.

Whether you are tossing a ball to your dog, sharing a snuggle with your cat, or simply observing birds gracefully flying overhead, spending time with pets or animals can work as a calming remedy for a mind in turmoil. If you are wondering how to get rid of intrusive thoughts, consider incorporating such positive activities into your routine.

3. Follow a regular routine

If you are wondering how to get rid of intrusive thoughts, creating a routine adds order to your day and makes it more predictable, which can reduce stress and anxiety (common triggers for intrusive thoughts).

follow a regular routine

Your routine might include morning meditation, eating meals at regular times, scheduled exercise, consistently going to bed, and waking up at the same time every day.

4. Have a balanced diet

If you are wondering how to deal with intrusive thoughts, adopting a brain-healthy diet is a valuable step in promoting mental wellbeing. You can help your brain function properly and regulate your mood by including foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like fish, nuts, and seeds, as well as antioxidant-rich foods like fruits and vegetables.

Moreover, it is advisable to limit caffeine and alcohol intake, or even consider avoiding them altogether if possible. These dietary choices play an important role in reducing the factors that can trigger intrusive thoughts.

5. Practice mindfulness

Have you ever noticed that dealing with challenges becomes more manageable when you are completely in the moment? This is where mindfulness comes in. This requires you to focus your attention on your breathing, the sensations in your body, or the sounds around you, thereby increasing your awareness of the present.

This increased awareness gives you the power to calmly observe your thoughts, even intrusive thoughts, without immediate reaction. Keep in mind that thoughts are just thoughts; they do not determine your identity.

6. Stick to nature

When you spend time in nature, it brings a deep sense of peace and calms your mind, thereby putting an end to your intrusive thoughts. Rustling leaves, tall trees, and the scent of moist soil after rain take you back into the present and divert your attention from constant intrusive thoughts. Whether you are simply walking in the park, hiking in the mountains, or viewing a lovely sunset, being in nature will be a great way to bring peace to your mind.

stick to nature

7. Engage in regular physical activity

Engaging in physical activity is an excellent stress reliever by diverting your attention from intrusive thoughts and enhancing your mood. For stopping intrusive thoughts, any type of movement, whether it is a calm yoga session, a casual walk, or a spontaneous dance session, can effectively prevent intrusive thoughts.

8. Identify triggers

Your thoughts are often not completely random; they may be influenced by your daily experiences. One useful approach for stopping intrusive thoughts is to keep a journal of your intrusive thoughts, recording not only the thoughts but also your general mood and details about your day. As you notice recurring thoughts, revisit your notes to identify any patterns.

Consider whether these thoughts coincide with leisure time or come after exposure to certain stimuli, such as watching a violent movie. By tracking these patterns, you can potentially find the root cause and resolve the underlying problem.

9. Distinguish between thought and reality

Many people struggling with intrusive thoughts often worry about the possibility of acting on deeper impulses, such as harming a loved one. Therefore, it is ideal to understand the importance of these ideas to prevent them from happening in real life.

These thoughts do not foreshadow future actions, and there is no real intention to act on them, regardless of the motivating nature of the OCD or anxiety.

When coping, acknowledge these thoughts as mental events and let them pass through your mind without overpowering you. Accepting intrusive thoughts as another aspect of thinking will gradually reduce the tendency to worry excessively about them.

Distinguish between thought and reality

10. Do not suppress the thought

When you have intrusive thoughts, your initial instinct may be to push them out of your mind. Ironically, this approach often backfires, leading to an increased focus on intrusive thought. In a study, participants were instructed not to think about white bears for 5 minutes but ended up thinking about them more than once per minute, on average.

Rather than consciously suppressing the thought, consider redirecting your focus through engaging activities such as solving a crossword puzzle or immersing yourself in a book. To maximize effectiveness, avoid switching between tasks; fully commit to a single activity to dissociate from the intrusive thought. For instance, if the intrusive thoughts involve death, reading a book about murder wouldn't be a suitable diversion; rather, go for a romantic novel.

11. Externalize your intrusive thoughts

To externalize your intrusive thoughts, consider treating them as separate entities. This involves giving your thoughts a personality, perhaps imagining them as an annoying mosquito or giving them a playful name. Another approach is to picture your thoughts as a character in a comic book to help you imagine them as independent from yourself. When these thoughts arise, acknowledge them by saying, for example, "Please, not at the moment, thanks."

12. Engage in deep breathing techniques

Try doing a simple and powerful deep breathing exercise to relax your mind and body, which can effectively help in stopping intrusive thoughts. Focus your attention on your breathing, establishing yourself in the present moment. This technique works similarly to sending a 'calm down' instruction to your nervous system, prompting a shift from 'fight-or-flight' mode to a state of relaxation.

engage in deep breathing techniques

13. Get healthy sleep

Consistently getting approximately 8 hours of sleep each night is a great technique to stop these thoughts. A well-rested state upon waking also enables you to objectively evaluate these thoughts, diminishing their impact. If you have difficulty falling asleep, consider consulting professionals who can assist in regulating your bedtime cycles and offer guidance on how to deal with intrusive thoughts.

14. Explore cognitive-behavioral therapy

Engaging in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can help you learn the connections between your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This proven method of talking therapy enables you to recognize and confront the counterproductive thought patterns that often initiate intrusive thoughts. As you progress with the support of a CBT therapist, you will gradually reduce the occurrence of intrusive thoughts and develop a new perspective on how to stop obsessive thoughts.

15. Seek therapy

Due to feelings of shame or guilt, many people hesitate to speak about intrusive thoughts and often hide them. However, discussing your feelings with someone you trust has proven to be extremely beneficial.

For some people, talking to a stranger may feel more comfortable than confiding in an acquaintance. In such cases, therapy becomes a valuable option. There are many therapy options available, such as individual and group settings, so make sure to look into them carefully and think about all the choices you have.

If your intrusive thoughts are getting out of hand and is hindering your inner peace, talk to a professional expert about them for free.

What Conditions Include Intrusive Thoughts?

Intrusive thoughts do not always arise due to an underlying condition; they are normal and can affect any healthy person as well. However, several conditions include intrusive thoughts as a symptom, including:

1. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

In OCD, intrusive thoughts cause a lot of distress. People with OCD often make significant efforts to suppress or stop unwanted thoughts (obsessions) by repeating specific behaviors or habits, known as compulsions. If you are wondering how to stop OCD thoughts, it is important to note that although these behaviors can disrupt daily life, effective treatment can significantly improve OCD symptoms.

2. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

People suffering from PTSD may experience intrusive thoughts related to a traumatic event. These thoughts may trigger additional PTSD symptoms, such as insomnia or increased alertness. PTSD can interfere with daily functioning, but trauma-focused treatment provides relief from symptoms.

3. Eating disorders

People with eating disorders may struggle with intrusive thoughts about their body, weight loss, or dietary habits, often accompanied by feelings of guilt, shame, or fear related to food or body image. These thoughts can be distressing and can lead to significant changes in eating behavior. It is important to seek help from a doctor to manage eating disorder symptoms.

what conditions include intrusive thoughts

Are Intrusive Thoughts Normal?

Yes, intrusive thoughts are normal and commonly experienced by many people. These thoughts are spontaneous, unwanted, and often fleeting. They can range from mundane or slightly awkward scenarios to more distressing or disturbing ideas.

If you are wondering how to stop obsessive thoughts, it is crucial to understand that having them does not mean you want to act on them, and they are not a reflection of your true intentions. If these thoughts become overwhelming or distressing, seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional can guide managing them effectively.

Are intrusive thoughts normal

How can Now&Me help?

If you ever find yourself struggling with “how to get rid of intrusive thoughts forever” and need someone to talk to, Now&Me can be a valuable support. The therapists at Now&Me are available 24/7 starting at just Rs. 30.

Moreover, with our supportive community, you can connect with others facing similar challenges and explore self-help resources, including books tailored to cope with intrusive thoughts.

To get started, simply download the Now&Me app, choose a therapist based on your needs, and schedule a consultation call with them.

It is quite normal to get carried away with your intrusive thoughts. Connect with a professional expert and understand how to not get affected by them for free.


  1. Cognitive-behavioral treatment of obsessive thoughts: A controlled study. APA. 1997.

  2. The neural representation of intrusive thoughts. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2012.

  3. Animal visitation program (AVP) reduces cortisol levels of university students: A randomized controlled trial. Sage Journals. 2019.

  4. Unwanted intrusive thoughts. ADAA. 2018.


To manage intrusive thoughts, try acknowledging them without judgment, and then shift your focus to something positive or engaging, such as mindfulness techniques (deep breathing) and physical activities, which can also help break the thought cycle.

Triggers for intrusive thoughts can vary, but stress, anxiety, past traumas, or certain conditions may contribute. Moreover, each person's unique way of processing information, their personality differences, and individual life experiences can also lead to these thoughts.

Breaking OCD thought loops involves challenging and changing negative thought patterns. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and working with a mental health professional can be effective in developing coping strategies.

Yes, having occasional intrusive thoughts is normal because they are a common part of human thinking. If these thoughts become overwhelming or distressing, seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional is advisable.

Intrusive thoughts can lessen over time, especially with coping strategies and support. While they may not disappear entirely, learning to manage and understand them can help reduce their impact on your daily life.

Now&Me articles are written by experienced mental health contributors and are purely based on scientific research and evidence-based practices, which are thoroughly reviewed by experts, including therapists and psychologists with various specialties, to ensure accuracy and alignment with current industry standards.

However, it is important to note that the information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Individual circumstances vary, and it is advisable to consult with a qualified mental health professional for personalized advice and guidance.

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