How To Stop Worrying: 15 Tips To Reduce Stress & Anxiety

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Sarvika Aggarwal

18 January 2024

10 Mins

In a recent report, it was stated that 24% of Indians are struggling with stress and the reason for it varies from person to person. However, the survey highlights that the stress on women is increasing significantly because of balancing work, family, and health issues.

Although the reasons attributable to stress can be many, it is important to look into them and put a stop to your worries, or else it will hinder your overall health in the long run.

So let’s see how to not worry too much.

What Makes Us Worry?

As humans, it is common to worry. We cannot be void of worry; however, we can understand what is causing us to worry and how to stop worrying about everything.

To understand how to put a stop to your worrisome thoughts, it is important to understand their root causes. Whenever there is a worrisome thought or you know your mind is spiraling with unnecessary thoughts, go within yourself and check what is there that is making you so worried. When you sit with yourself and introspect your inner thoughts and world, you will understand your triggers and work on them accordingly.

However, if you are not able to do so, you can always seek professional help and understand your thoughts. At times, it can be difficult to objectively understand yourself and your thoughts and professional guidance comes in really handy at that time.

It can be hard to put a sudden stop to your negative thoughts when you do not know the reasons causing them. Talk to a professional expert for free and learn how to let them flow without them worrying you right away.

How Do I Know If I Am Worrying Too Much?

There is a thin line between worrying about something because you care about it and worrying about something that harms you in the long run. For example: worrying about an exam because you wish to do well is normal, whereas worrying about your future unnecessarily can harm your present self.

So when you know your thoughts are going out of control and you are catastrophizing, then it can be that you are worrying too much about something. However, when it is a normal amount of worrying and it is pushing you in the right direction, then it is okay and a good indicator that you care about something and are working towards achieving it.

So if you wish to understand if you are worrying too much, it is best to sit with yourself and talk to yourself. And if that doesn’t work out, try talking to your friends or family for better clarity of thought. Lastly, if you think your worrying is getting out of control and you wish to understand how to stop worrying about things you can’t control, then you should also seek the advice of a professional expert.

how do I know if I’m worrying too much

Why Do I Worry So Much?

Chronic worrying can be a sign of a variety of things, from stress about the job to having an insecure thought pattern. Anything can cause chronic worry if not dealt with at the right time.

To understand what may be causing you so much stress and worry, it is important to reflect on your thoughts and do some self-awareness activities. Some of the reasons for so much worry are:

  • Life transitions like moving out of home or shifting to a new city
  • Becoming a new parent
  • Breaking up or getting married
  • Stressful work environment
  • Toxic leadership
  • Physical health issues
  • Toxic relationship with partner or family
  • Too many commitments
  • No personal space

Although there can be more reasons for chronic worry, these are some of the main reasons why people end up worrying so much. In such times, it is important to talk to someone and not handle it all alone. However, if you feel there is no one that you can rely on, seek professional help so that you can understand how to stop stressing about unnecessary things in due time.

why do I worry too much

Why Is It So Hard to Stop Worrying?

When you become accustomed to worrying all the time, it gets easier to listen to your automatic thoughts rather than your consciousness. As time goes on, it becomes easier to listen to your automatic thoughts as you become more familiar with them.

To move past this or put a stop to your worrying, you will have to make conscious changes, which won’t be so easy. You will have to start consciously not listening to your thoughts, trusting your intuition, and doing things that take you away from your worries, like meditation, yoga, spending time with loved ones, and spending time with yourself as well, to understand your real side and familiarize your mind with it.

why is it so hard to stop worrying

How Worrying Impacts Your Body

While worrying has a deep impact on your mental health, it has an adverse affect on your physical health as well. Some of the physical signs of worry are:

1. It can cause physical illness

Chronic worry can cause physical illnesses that can impact you in the long run, like headaches, migraines, nausea, backaches, and, in serious cases, cancer.

2. It can affect your daily life

Worrying too much can affect your daily life—the way you work, the way you interact with others and most importantly, your happy moments.

3. It might become normal after a while

You might become so accustomed to your chronic, worrisome thoughts that you become too neutral towards them and find it difficult to define yourself without them.

how worrying impacts your body

15 Strategies on How Can You Stop Worrying

Although putting a full stop to worrying is impossible, you can, however, understand how to manage it and not let it harm you in a negative way. So here are 15 strategies on how to stop worrying.

1. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is not necessarily done while meditating; it can also be done when you are performing other activities. Mindfulness simply means being fully present in the activity you are performing in front of you, whether it is cooking, doing your job, or having fun with your friends. This helps you stay in the moment and not get lost in your thoughts.

2. Deep breathing

When you can see your worrisome thoughts are trying to pull you away from reality and are not letting you have fun, try and do some deep breathing, as this will help you listen to your consciousness and see beyond your worrisome thoughts.

3. Journaling

When you are not able to understand your worrisome thoughts or are spiraling too much, take out your notebook and start writing whatever is bothering you. It doesn’t have to make sense; writing out your thoughts on a piece of paper will simply help you feel less burdened and you will be able to understand your thoughts more objectively.


4. Positive affirmations

When nothing seems to work out, make a list of ten affirmations that depict your personality and say them in front of the mirror every morning, like you mean it. This will slowly help your subconscious mind change its wiring and start believing that you are more than just mere thoughts.

5. Lean on close ones

When you are not able to help yourself, it is best to lean on your close ones and ask them for support, as they will be able to give you guidance objectively and without any filter. They will help you see reality for what it is, rather than sugarcoating it.

6. Introspection

The most important thing in stopping your worrisome thoughts from hindering your mental health is sitting with yourself and introspecting those thoughts without any judgement. Those thoughts may say a lot of things, but just because they are coming into your mind, it does not mean they are yours. You only have to simply observe them and let them flow.

There can be a number of reasons why you worry so much and let your thoughts hinder your mental peace. Connect with a therapist and learn how to put a stop to your worrisome thoughts for free.

7. Exercise

Not many people put pressure on this but exercising and moving your body have a huge impact on your worrisome thoughts. When you get up, move your body, and do something that requires a whole lot of movement, your mind is happy and tends to remain in that moment rather than swaying back and forth.

8. Yoga

If you are not an exercise person, you can certainly try yoga and see how that works out for you. Yoga has its own special benefits of providing balance and harmony within your body, but other than that, it also helps in releasing hormones that help you look beyond your worrisome thoughts.

9. Practice gratitude

Worrisome thoughts also come when you are always in a complaining mode and feel you do not have enough. It is important that you analyze your life, your choices, and whatever you have achieved in life and be grateful for those things, as everyone doesn’t get to have them. It is very easy to complain and whine, but what takes work is taking pleasure in the things you have and enjoying them, so try and do that while all of it lasts.

practice gratitude

10. Sleep on time

While this can be hard for the current generation, it is extremely important to sleep on time or get 6-7 hours of sleep so that your body feels well-rested. When you are not well-rested, it often leads to your mind getting irritated, which then leads to worrisome thoughts. So it is very important to get ample sleep so you can enjoy your day to the fullest.

11. Detox and go on a trip

When you feel your thoughts are getting out of control, take a break from everything and go on a solo trip or a trip with your friends or family. This will give you a good break and will help you detach yourself from thoughts that aren’t even yours.

12. Look after the root cause

When your worrisome thoughts are getting triggered every now and then, it is important that you ask yourself the reason for them. When such things happen, there is usually a trigger that makes them happen. So instead of suppressing them, talk to yourself and try to find the root cause of it so that you can eliminate the issue from the root itself.

look after the root cause

13. Lifestyle changes

Your thoughts are also based on your lifestyle, what you eat, what you wear, the people you surround yourself with, and your values and principles. So if all of these things align with your personality and make you feel happy, then you will have positive thoughts. But if anything feels off or negative, then your thoughts will be negative too.

14. Spend time with yourself

When you get worrying thoughts, try and spend time with yourself, not to understand them or introspect yourself but just to simply know yourself—who you are, what you like, why your thoughts are like this—as this activity not only helps you to know yourself better but it also helps you build a healthier bond with yourself.

15. Seek professional help

When nothing seems to work out and your worrying thoughts are getting out of hand, it is best to seek professional help and not delay this matter anymore. Worrying thoughts can anytime change into anxiety or depression, so it is extremely important to meet a therapist in due time so you are able to manage your worrying thoughts in a healthy manner.

seek professional help

It Is Time to Leave Worry in the Past

When you are too accustomed to getting worrying thoughts and have completely forgotten to live a life devoid of worrying thoughts, it can be hard to leave worry behind.

As it requires conscious effort and a lot of constant practice, it can make the individual give up before trying. However, it is important to remember that, if left unchecked or untreated, worrying thoughts are the primary cause of anxiety, panic attacks, and depression.

So even though it might take you some time, with a good support system, a professional expert, and your own caliber, you can come on to the other side. So before giving up, get up and start your journey of leaving worry in the past.

Worrying so much can cause deep repercussions and lead to serious mental health issues. Talk to a professional expert before it reaches a dire state for free.

Share With Now&Me

If you wish to share your worrisome thoughts with professional experts or with like-minded people who, like you, tend to overthink, connect with Now&Me experts and the Now&Me community and feel better instantly. Now&Me experts will make sure to provide you with the right guidance and support while keeping your information confidential and secure.

So, download the app and simply start engaging with therapists and a well-built community to understand how to get rid of worrying thoughts and live a life without any tension.


  1. How to stop worrying: 11 steps to reduce stress and anxiety. Published October 2021.

  2. 9 Steps to End Chronic Worrying. Published January 2008.

  3. 24 per cent Indians struggling with stress: GOQii India Fit Report 22-23. Published March 2023.

Now&Me articles are written by experienced mental health contributors and are purely based on scientific research and evidence-based practices, which are thoroughly reviewed by experts, including therapists and psychologists with various specialties, to ensure accuracy and alignment with current industry standards.

However, it is important to note that the information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Individual circumstances vary, and it is advisable to consult with a qualified mental health professional for personalized advice and guidance.

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