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β€ΊMoney Problemsβ€ΊThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @toxichousehold2

πŸ§ΈπŸŽ€ @toxichousehold2

Basically I’ve collected 8k since last year and my mom told me that it’s too much I need to put it in my bank account but our account is common, I eventually did but now she doesn’t wanna allow me to take my money for my expenses, she told me to do a list of what I need and she’ll buy it like tf, y’all she’s also using my money for her expenses and be telling me that I have no right over money cuz I’m a minor, now how will I remove my money, I really need my money why she limiting me?? This is pissing me off

1 reply

Yeaah it happened for me also, not just once, literally everytime when i saved some money. But it’s ok yaar it’s common… β€œmom things”. If you really want something just ask her and explain why you need that, there is nothing wrong in that


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