The Probe @theprobeindia
Attachment is a perversion, a gruesome burden, an unholy cocktail of selfishness, jealousy, anxiety and fear which not just corrupts, but corrupts absolutely.
Yet, the human race feeds off the misery of attachment. Attachment to people, places, objects, a country, one’s own face or body, beliefs, habits, opinions, prejudices, even the hope of a better future; these are all the different manifestations of attachment.
Attachment reflects our insecurity, loneliness, confusion, sense of isolation, and search for identity. It is an attempt to give a pleasant experience permanence, even immortality.
Attachment is a state of delusion because it tries to create meaning and permanence out of imaginary things - a completely wasteful exercise that can never bear any fruit.
Attachment is much like a spider’s web that you don’t want to be caught in. If you are like a fly that can’t or won’t detach from it, you, too, will slowly atrophy in the web of attachment.