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Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

Anyone to talk with?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @midnight_thinkr
Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555
41 replies

Here I am

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

Hi there

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

Why do you think we exist


To live in love

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

Then why do we always starve of it


CU’s we are ignorant of it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555



Get this picture you were birthed while growing you saw your parents always laughing and happy even though there was a misunderstanding, your neighbours respected and treated you like your parents would and same goes to everybody in this world. No one trying to cheat lie steal fight or deceive. That’s what love is but we lack the knowhow CU’s of self love

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

Aha you got a perspective there

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

Is it easy for you to forgive people?


The only problem we have is loving ourselves more than others

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

Are you a psychologist?


No, just a realist.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

What do you do professionally



Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

I like your perception and clarity



Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

For example, you think parents put effort to show their love ?


The tiny gestures,the smiles and gifts are efforts but it is the emotions that make you feel loved


That is their heart

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

Damn! are you always so optimistic?


I am realistic

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

How would you overcome childhood trauma caused by them and give them back love today. being a super sensitive human being.


If you are now aware of how wrong what was done to you was be grateful and thankful for you know better than them


If someone steals from you do then you steal from that person, what would differentiate you from them

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

But to generate that love is not easy you won’t understand


Love is as easy as saying hello,hi,I forgive you, and so on all you need to do is be a better person than you could be


If you’d like to share I am all ears

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

I do that, put tiny efforts here and there . But doesn’t come naturally

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

Can we make a connection/dm


Just continue the efforts that’s where love lies


Why not

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

not able to figure out! new here


I’ve sent a request

Profile picture for Now&Me member @midnight_thinkr

Vyom Aran @midnight_thinkr


Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555


Profile picture for Now&Me member @midnight_thinkr

Vyom Aran @midnight_thinkr

What’s on your mind?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

Questioning existence

Profile picture for Now&Me member @midnight_thinkr

Vyom Aran @midnight_thinkr

oh cool thinking nihilism?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maddy555

Naveed @maddy555

Sort off but I’m a believer in supernatural powers

Gabriel @bolaji

Same here I believe in one God


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