Any tips on self healing after a healthy relationship and breakup? This hurts way more than any toxic relationships or breakups I’ve had. Knowing that it wouldn’t meant to be and that it would never work out but making it happen and finally accepting the reality of it. We’ve went our separate ways and now I’m just slowly waiting for the love to fade. He said we shouldn’t contact each other anymore so that we can heal the proper way and I know he’s right but I can’t do it. One hour I’m ok the next hour I’m balling my eyes out. This is an emotional roller coaster and I’m grieving but I don’t want to let this breakup take me down because I still have a job to do and bills to pay.
Well blocking him and deleting his contacts would be a good start.
Secondly you have to remind yourself everyday that moving on will take time and efforts everyday. So allow yourself the time.
Moving on is simple, its jusy not easy.
Remind yourself theres more to life than the relationship everyday. Do what you couldnt in your relationship . Explore new side. Easier said than done but take your time.
Time will heal you
Zalia Menshaw @zalia
Thank you
Sunny Seth @sunny04
No no no no, down just rely upon one’s suggestions. I’m so glad you could put things out through words but your path needs your own vision. Though your views might blur at the moment but deep down you know that you’ll have to get off this thing. Let time play it’s fare share of game and you too should shall have it’s grace. Just don’t quit fighting and believing in yourself and time.
Sunny Seth @sunny04
Don’t* just rely
Sunny Seth @sunny04
Wait whatt, no !! I was drowsy when i was typing. Sorry for the grammatical errors 😬
Zalia Menshaw @zalia
Thank you
Shane @shanejones
Hey, it might feel like the end of the world. but it isn’t. You have to go through this healing process. You’ll slowly get there. Sadly, there is no way to skip or speed it up. But the key is to remove things that remind of you them and cut off contact with them. You have a long life ahead.
Zalia Menshaw @zalia
You’re right and that was his main purpose of the breakup. I’m still young and he wants me to enjoy my 20s.
Shane @shanejones
Whatever the reason was. You deserve better. You deserve to be happy.
Zalia Menshaw @zalia
🥺 thank you
Shane @shanejones
Don’t worry. Time heals everything. Be patient.
Hey, How are you doing now? and How is life in large?