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Any tips on how to make friends?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @omax
6 replies

Just be yourself and in your happiest form. You’ll attract more friends than ever

Chris @boredaf123

Pick up a hobby. Meet like minded ppl. You will find few more things common. Spend time doing it together. Once you spend enough time, you would become friends.

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mh1215 @mh1215

find an icebreaker you could ask anyone! for example, try to guess something about them. like “I guess you are a coffee drinker, not a tea drinker” and when they ask how you could tell, make up something dumb! you will make them smile

Profile picture for Now&Me member @omax

a mind @omax

be yourself.
-but myself is not good.
then self-develop, but don’t act.
-what if I couldn’t find friends after?
it’s a lifelong journey, we try to get things in life, money, people…etc. we can do nothing besides try our best.


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