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Social AnxietyThought


You know, I am quite selfish person I am always trying to help and support people in times of need.However, the reason is terrible - I want others to treat me the same way.
Unfortunately, most of them don’t and that makes me depressed and offended all the time.

8 replies

Same bruh

Sansthita @sansthita

That isn’t selfish. When you give out love and don’t receive any of it, it makes you feel bad and empty. It’s very normal. You aren’t bad or selfish. Nobody who feels this way is selfish. It’s our basic instinct to love others and reach out for other people’s love. Just like feeling hungry isn’t a crime when you have gone without food for days, feeling bad isn’t selfish when you have gone without love for a very long time


Your words have calmed me down. I will certainly remember what you told me today.
Thank you for replying.🥺

Sansthita @sansthita

Love ya. I am always glad to help out and when you have something to say I always have my ears open to listen


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