Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @harmanpreet_kaur

Harmanpreet K. @harmanpree...

Write down one word to describe how your Are feeling right now.??
Just one word.
Let us start practising this everyday.
And then see the change…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @davidcr7
Profile picture for Now&Me member @karthikkumark
Profile picture for Now&Me member @harmanpreet_kaur
6 replies


Profile picture for Now&Me member @davidcr7

David @davidcr7


Profile picture for Now&Me member @karthikkumark

Karthik Kumar @karthikkuma...


Profile picture for Now&Me member @harmanpreet_kaur

Harmanpreet K. @harmanpree...

Hey.!! You can connect to solve your issue.!! Because getting suicide thought is not something pleasant. And you should talk to someone. A therapist or a psychologist.
I hope this helps.
I totally empathise with you.!!
Harmanpreet K.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @karthikkumark

Karthik Kumar @karthikkuma...

I did in the past, It didn’t helped me. am too broke to seek another session.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @harmanpreet_kaur

Harmanpreet K. @harmanpree...

Hmm I understand your situation. But we cannot generalise and quit upon something so easily.
We have to try again and again and work upon ourselves to make things workout.
This is life all about.!!✨
Don’t loose hope mate.!!
This is what this place is all about, you are not alone. We all are here to help you out.
Harmanpreet K.


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