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Why is it that I’m obsessed with whatever I want? and Why are SO many people against my desires? “You should probably reconsider…” " You shouldn’t have done that…" “You should have asked me because I’m the only one who has that kind of experience” " This subject and your choices don’t seem to be very clear. Life is uncertain and I guess so are you… HA HA HA "
What is wrong with these people? Most of them sound like they missed a shot in their lives.

It’s so not nice to have these comments when you FINALLY BECOME SURE, after living in the dark for so long?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ignoramus
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ignoramus

People don’t want to lose the version of you that they have in their minds for so long. We fear change and would do anything to stop change from disturbing our cozy reality. Let me guess, these are the same people close to you. Ask a stranger about this who is either well versed about your area of wanting or who doesn’t know anything. They would encourage you or be curious about it. Because they have no personal investment in you.
People also discourage you because if you turn out to be right, then there is a chance that what they know about the world turns out to be wrong. They take this personally as their self-worth is tied to their opinions.

You are better off not telling people about your plans. You aren’t obliged to. Let your actions speak. If you have to, then reveal when you have started and seen some success. Also, let go of expectations from people. Have low expectations off of them and let go of changing people and the world. Can’t force it, only those looking for change themselves can do it.

It’s so not nice to have these comments when you FINALLY BECOME SURE, after living in the dark for so long?

Assume this situation as a test from Life. It wants to see if you are serious about your intentions. You know you are committed when comments like these don’t bother you anymore. You pick yourself up anyway and go towards what you chose. Don’t worry about it.

Does this make sense to you? Have a good one :)


Wow. Thank you so much for taking out your time to talk some sense of this situation. Thank you, I appreciate it.


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