Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @1alternativeegirl

Vick @1alternativeegirl

Why is everyone anonymous? Why cant u be yourself? I know its hard but…how can u truly connect when u hide behind a mask of secrecy. To make friends and have a relationship is to be vulnerable and open and to share your deepest thoughts and feelings with someone you trust…we all need someone like that and so do I. Because i am human and i have feelings and needs like everyone else.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @1alternativeegirl
6 replies

Different people are here for different reasons. Not that all anonymous people arent trustworthy

Profile picture for Now&Me member @1alternativeegirl

Vick @1alternativeegirl

It was meant to be poetic :l


Im sorry i misunderstood it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @1alternativeegirl

Vick @1alternativeegirl

Nooo dont worry you are fine we all do it :p




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