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Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

Why does my family throw insults at me?

5 replies

anom @1122

It may be because they dont know any other way of correcting or caring for you…they lack that sensitivity…but you should find a common ground talk to them politely what you dont like

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

I don’t know how

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

They just tell me to shut up and deal with it, or be kinder when they’re the one who stormed off.

anom @1122

Then may he they have differnet personalities than you…try to understand their behaviour while taking care of you too…keep your cup full by doing things that you actually like…I recently followed nedra tawab’s insta and fb account…she is very vocal about setting boundries with your family and how to put your needs to words in front of them without getting hurt and how to take care of yourself if you happen to be in a toxic family


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