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Mental WellbeingThought


Why do some people get attached instantly…? Even though they know it’s not the right person, they take a huge risk, get attached too soon…? What could be the psychology behind it … and how should they escape it?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pastel_euphoria
11 replies

Boomboo Mikaal @boom

Maybe they have nurtured the void inside themselves for a long time. Maybe all this while they wanted somebody to fill the emptiness.


U r right


So true😟


And that’s scary sometimes






Yeah right? Like people w/ attachment issues have indeed been traumatized at some point

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pastel_euphoria

Arni <3 @pastel_euphoria

I suppose expectations play a role. We get attached to someone because we put them on a pedestal, we expect this perfect and unrealistic version of them, only to get disappointed when they show their true selves. We take the risk because somewhere within, we have false hope telling us that maybe, just maybe it shall work out. Reality doesn’t always go that way though, it’s just how it is.


We really ignore the signs that might have avoided it in the first place because we don’t listen to our gut… At least I didn’t, when we avoid our inner voices, universe makes sure we believe in it by giving us the setback… wished I trusted my hunch and earlier red flags … couldn’t have gotten manipulated😂


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