Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Why can’t the dead one come back again??why why why…why can’t they?? Why do we have to suffer all the lonliness and emptiness…what should I do when i miss him?? Why can’t he return back to me?? To whom shoul I share all my problems now? whom will i gossip now?? Who will hug me and tell me i am here for you now??? Who gonna drop me now?? Who gonna ask me to oil his hair?? Whom i gonna celebrate my birthday now?? Whom i gonna ask for money now??? Who will protect me now?? Who? Who? Who? I want my brother back…it been one month and 8 days and i miss him 24*7 … It’s so hard for me .i love you bhaiya …please come back to me…i have never said these words to you but i was so proud that you are my brother…u never let me feel down…even my own brother made me feel miserable at times …but you never did…i love you please come back to me…please please pleae

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