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Sansthita @sansthita

Who’s the most toxic user on now and me and why? Let’s talk/vent/rant. Sending warm hugs and love to all my lovelies (even the toxic ones, because I know you have scars too)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found
69 replies

Chris @boredaf123

Open gossiping ??? Lol 😂

Sansthita @sansthita

Just want to hear some opinions. Many people are bothered about the apparent toxicity here. So I just want them to vent

Chris @boredaf123

What do you think of the platform itself ? Is it good or bad ?

Sansthita @sansthita

The platform is great, but some people r just so problematic, they often end up hurting others over here.

Chris @boredaf123

I think and it’s just my opinion but I humbly believe that one needs to learn to be resilient to a certain extent when it comes to facing toxicity. It’s a good thing that you want to speak about toxicity here but we must also know that we won’t always have non toxic people around us, to thoda bear karo. If you think it’s too much, reach out and complain to the creators of the platform . I just think that openly asking it this way is bit rude.

Sansthita @sansthita

It’s not for me bro, I am least affected by these. I am a psychology student myself, I can deal with this. This post was supposed to be a place to express for those people who have been bullied.

Chris @boredaf123

Isn’t the whole platform meant for what you just said now ?

Sansthita @sansthita

It’s not being that way anymore, haven’t you noticed? People r afraid to post because of these trolls. It’s easier for them to comment under a post. That’s why I posted this. I don’t think you should be having any issue with that

Chris @boredaf123

I haven’t seen any difference as of yet . Perhaps you may have experienced something otherwise , so this post . I find it comfortable here, posting or commenting.

Sansthita @sansthita

I have been here for a pretty long time. The environment is changing. Baaki I am sure your experiences hold true as well. Take care buddy!

Chris @boredaf123

Just curious: how old is this platform ?

Sansthita @sansthita

More than 2 years old

Chris @boredaf123

OMG. I discovered it pretty recently.

Sansthita @sansthita

Welcome to the platform then 😀

Chris @boredaf123



Aren’t we all in a way toxic for ourselves rather than others

Sansthita @sansthita

That’s a good opinion


Fact yk

Sansthita @sansthita

Yeah I agree. But some users over here are spreading too much of negativity and harming the mental health of a lot of users. I want these people to open up over here


Good initiative 🙌🏻

Sansthita @sansthita



Haha I know whom are you referring to… i support you dude

Sansthita @sansthita

Not referring to anyone. I see a lot of people feeling hurt over what others write under their posts. My post is just to give them a safe space to rant and feel better

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Sansthita @sansthita

Tui abar ki korli?

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Sansthita @sansthita

You have been mean to someone over here? 😆

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Sansthita @sansthita

Shorbonaash. Kyano re? The main agenda here is to be kind to people

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Sansthita @sansthita

Just try to be careful. Be softer when you reply, don’t get riled up when someone doesn’t agree with you and just be careful. People here r mostly going thru very terrible times. Today if after reading your comments, someone commits suicide, you might not be able to forgive yourself for it

Sansthita @sansthita

Oh hey. Good to see you again. When were you mean though lol? I mostly saw u being nice over here

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Sansthita @sansthita

Just try to be kinder. It works.

Sansthita @sansthita

The one I am talking to? Or someone else? Btw sorry for your experience:(

Sansthita @sansthita

High five to that! 😀

Sansthita @sansthita

Yeah like there are suddenly too many toxic people here. Kindness is tax-free, at least they should avoid talking trash on someone else’s posts. We have all come here to vent


Yup i remember that he said something like you’re too old to talk to and then I saw him doing exactly the same thing again.

Sansthita @sansthita

I apologize if u have been hurt. :(

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Sansthita @sansthita

Aare sir aap? Kya ho gaya? Naam badal daala

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Sansthita @sansthita

Mujhe hindi aati hai. Didn’t we talk on telegram? 😆 Aap bhul gaaye mujhe and aapne naam badal diya aapna

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Sansthita @sansthita

Ji ji basic hindi bhi aati hai

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Sansthita @sansthita

Kya ho gaya? I can’t make sense of what you are saying? All good?

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Sansthita @sansthita


Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn

Some people don’t know how to appreciate others feeling, while others are unhappy with themselves…
People who let others down,
are maybe hurtful soul
that need healing…

Sansthita @sansthita

I agree. But having trauma, doesn’t give you the right to traumatize other people

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn

Exactly people aren’t happy in themselves and
All these things lead towards toxic behaviour…

Sansthita @sansthita

Yeah and although that’s not justified, this needs to be taken care of.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn

their toxic behaviour doesn’t differentiate between what is wrong or what is right…so instead of focusing on what others are doing , or what they are upto, they need to focus on themselves… maybe then they can change for better

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

Do you think traumatized people realise that? Rights you say, were their own right not violated in the furst place? I dont mean to be rude but try getting some empathy before raising sensitive stuffs like this. Much love!

Sansthita @sansthita


Sansthita @sansthita

I am a psychology student. We are trained to have empathy. I for my part, have always empathized with people here, you can check my posts. But if today I kill somebody because I have trauma, that won’t make it right. Ofc my trauma is to be empathize with, but what about the trauma I gave to someone else? I.know it’s not about right or wrong. But the simple thing is that we should avoid hurting or bullying other people, we don’t know what’s happening to others.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

Being a psychology student you should get more into whys than whats. Start with why does a bullied person bully, could it be displacement of their feelings? Is their a chance that its unintentional? You know its a common saying that the way people treat you is the way they yhing they treated themselves. So faults lie deep within. Imagine being so numb from being hurt that nothing else matters? How would one react? Its just a worse case scenario but it does exist right?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

Think they are treated**

Sansthita @sansthita

Yes it does exist, but it doesnt justify the toxicity they perpetuate. My subject isn’t just about understanding the why’s, it’s also about making people understanding the shouldn’ts. You know right that the men who rape other women have issues? Does that justify them raping the girl? No it doesn’t. You can be numb from hurt, you can have hell but if that’s making you hurt others, then you need to address it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

Haha its actually comes down to expecting right from people who have been wronged. Its difficult, maybe too much to ask for sometimes. But its okay to address it in a personal note and not like this. I dint expect it from someone who is learning human behaviour

Sansthita @sansthita

Yes. I am learning behavior. And the issue with this subject is that you can’t empathize with just one person, you have to empathize with the other one too. You can’t just empathize with the murderer, you have to empathize with the one murdered as well. Read my post again. This was not to belittle anyone. This post was supposed to be a safe place for other people who are being bullied here- a safe place for them to vent. This wasn’t a personal attack but this was meant to comfort those who have been trolled for sharing their vulnerabilities. I don’t need to justify the work I do over here to anyone. Those who follow my posts, know who I am.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

Apologies. Though its kind of you to justify yourself even tho there wasnt any need to. Habe a nice evening

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found


Sansthita @sansthita

Dear NS, if someone is getting triggered or hurt by my post, it’s my duty to justify. I am concerned about everyone’s mental health Ober here. The number of trolls has increased exponentially. A guy here writes horrible comments on the posts of other people, another girl attempted suicide because of the comments she heard over here. It’s no longer a safe place. This post was for these people- so.that they could vent and rant and feel better. Thanks for finally understanding


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