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Whenever I do something, even the slightest thing, like replying to ppl’s messages, doing this and that, or posting pics of myself, I don’t feel comfortable or, I always think of what other ppl might say or think about the things that I do. I’m afraid of what ppl might say about me. It happens EVERY TIME. And I hate it. I try not to make things weird ex. in a conversation, but I feel like I make things weirder lol. And it leads to me thinking that ppl don’t like me?? I keep on assuming and overthinking things and I don’t like it bc it makes me think that there’s something wrong with me :(( It makes me say, “Do ppl really don’t like me? Or do I keep pushing away ppl?” I also have this feeling that nobody wants to be my friend. You know? Like what other ppl have? Best friend? The one you can talk to with your problems, talk about your crushes and stuffs. I don’t have one :(( and other ppl around me has someone they call their best friend.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @indu
17 replies

yes we all need someone whom we can share our thoughts and our genuine feelings. i can say that if i don’t have my friends with me i would became mad.
So you need some one to talk or a genuine friend. Tell me how can i help you?


My friend and I actually had a misunderstanding(for almost a year now) and I need some advice bc I keep on telling myself and other ppl who wants me and her to be friends again that there are some ppl who come into your life temporarily. But there are times that I’ve thought I should lower my pride and apologize to her. like a sincere one. So what should I do??


That’s take courage to apologize to someone. I am glad that you are going to do that. I think you are trying to became friends again with someone.
I have lost many friends after leaving my school. But the best thing with good friends is that they can start the things from a new point again. So you should go and put your relationships back on track…


Thank You!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @indu

You know what? I feel the same… or probably worse… because all the ppl around me are acting and using me for their own purposes… in some cases, even if I knew that it is happening, I try to ignore it and put an act too like them… because I am afraid that I would even lose those ppl… so basically now I don’t have a true friend too, or rather I don’t want to believe they are… it’s because of my stupidity in the past that I believed everyone blindly and got cheated and abandoned multiple times… there are times when I got thoughts of committing suicide continuously because of loneliness and my scary skin disease… but I think I’ve become stronger now… because of my social anxiety I even archived the only pic I’ve posted and disabled my insta account… I thought if they are troubling me, then I should just get rid of them… so I stopped talking to all of them and I am busy in my own world(manga, anime)… so I don’t feel lonely anymore… You should do that too(getting addicted to something so that u will not have any time to even think about it)… sometimes addiction will help too… I am not honest with anyone… I decided to put a mask of my own… I guess this(Now & Me) is the only place I am honest🙃


This whole quarantine I’ve been watching dramas, movies, and anime. I also read some webtoons. And it’s like my way of getting away or stop thinking about my problems. I would stop thinking about what’s bothering me so I can say that making myself busy or putting my attention to other things helps me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @indu

We are the same…😁 I do the same things too!! May I ask u which genre u prefer in webtoons and anime??🤗


Overheard your conversation 😃 I guess you both know avoidance is good sometime you just need a break. However in long run when feel little better face ur issues. Take small steps if u feel conversation difficult talk online see how it goes…and how about knowing people on social platform having similar skin problem rather than cutting off yourself

Profile picture for Now&Me member @indu

how can I meet people facing this skin problem??🤔
Apparently my skin disease has no cure… I have tried many ways… it is supposed to get cured on it’s own within 2-3 yrs or max 10 yrs… but I am 18+… though its better now, it still is bad…😔 Anyways! Don’t worry!!😊I have no thoughts of cutting myself now…😄 To be honest, I am still afraid of injections😝… How can I possibly cut myself!?😂




For both of you, i have an advice. You are your own friend. I know this may sound delirious but always remind yourself that you have yourself to fallback when you’re feeling down. Having this kind of feelings is hard. I experience the same way when i’m dealing with others but don’t be too harsh on yourself. Just take it lightly and avoid people who don’t make you feel good. Be friends with people but don’t get attached. Do everything on your own. At the end of the day, you will feel good. Take care both of you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @indu


Profile picture for Now&Me member @indu

Thank you for your advice @bubblelemon😊


Thank you so much for your advice. :)


@indu I prefer romance, thriller, and drama for webtoons, and as for anime, I watch romance and about sports ig?


Also right now, I’m trying to avoid using social media bc I think that’s what I need right now.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @indu

That’s a good decision… You can start using it once u start feeling better… ^^


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