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Profile picture for Now&Me member @admire_life

Whats a way for you to de-stress or when you feel like needing to be alone with yourself and feel free? Mine is going on a drive listening to music while also going to the beach and parking along the side and listening to the waves and seeing the scenery mainly in the day but sometimes at night as well (like right now I am) the stars are so beautiful and hearing the waves crash against the rocks bring complete bliss. ♥️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @admire_life
10 replies

Sindhu Karur @rajma_chawal

Going on terrace… With those soothing songs gaze the stars above and feel the breeze…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @admire_life

That sounds beautiful 💛

flyingpanda @flyingpanda

Mine is going to the library.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @admire_life

I don’t go to the library but I do have poetry books I take with me as well on my drives to read once I’m parked on the side looking out at the ocean. I bet that is really nice though the silence and books :)


I live in northern india and i am not allowed to drive although i love driving. But i love the environment of a library since i was a kid. when i was little and my brother was born i suddenly lost all attention. So i wld read books all day long and it helped.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @admire_life

Oh damn that sucks :/ but I’m glad you found something for yourself though :) it’s always nice to have at least one thing for ourselves

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