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what relationship needs? I do not really get this question. I have been through multiple relationships and none have even come close to lasting and i am just perplexed. What relationship needs? maybe just love and affection are not enough but then what is. I did whatever i could to please my partners and keep them happy but even then i am not sure why i have never had a lasting relationship. The worst part is, i could never see it coming. It always came as a shocker to me, as if it was just not possible. What more could the relationship need??? I have always put all the effort that i could, prepare smol gifts, make cutesy dessert meals and even planned dates but even then it just always seems to end right when i think, at least this will last :') what else was i supposed to do? What relationship needs??? what do people who make it last do differently??? why can i not do the same?? Why is it so difficult for me :((( I try to communicate and express as much as i can, i do my best to listen and i have always made sure that i am there for them but even them i am the one who gets dumped over silly reasons like this is not working etc. At least tell me what went wrong and give me closure ffs. maybe it is just me and i am the problem and i should just take time off from all this but i need to know, what do relationships need???

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