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//healer// @anjalii

What are you scared of…??

Profile picture for Now&Me member @saiscoffeejelly
Profile picture for Now&Me member @voidnothing
36 replies

fear of coming out

//healer// @anjalii

It’s ok to be scared of it…!! But I trust you,and ik you will be able to.!:)

If you want we can talk about it…!!!


I can’t

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I can’t but wanna talk about it to someone

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//healer// @anjalii

If you want then I am here for you!!

//healer// @anjalii

But if you are ok with it.


yes i wanna talk to someone 😭 about it

//healer// @anjalii

Should we?



//healer// @anjalii

Ok then connect with me…!! I would love to understand you.



//healer// @anjalii

Sometimes even I am scared of it.


Failure and mistakes. People can be scary when you have anxiety. Everyday is scary for me.

//healer// @anjalii

Agree… Failures and mistakes are scary but atleast leaders are never the one who didn’t commit any mistake. There this 2 are the ladders of success.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @saiscoffeejelly

Mr.BananaWiggle... @saiscoffeejelly

either being alone, or dying and having no one care/not making an impact

//healer// @anjalii

You are not alone.!! Trust me, someone or the other do loves you!!✨

//healer// @anjalii

And i am always there to listen you.


Losing my parents 😔😔

//healer// @anjalii



Slap from my gf 🥺
If she knew about my affair

//healer// @anjalii

Ahhh… No comments form my side!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @voidnothing

voidnothing @voidnothing

fear of rejection

//healer// @anjalii

Atleast you will come to know what’s next. So girl go for it!!..
But if you loose a bond bcz of expressing then just wait and watch what God gives…!! :)


Fear of not living my life

//healer// @anjalii

Maybe you will live your life!! Don’t loose hope man!! Ik you can!!.


Fear of rain

//healer// @anjalii

Ahh i see!!!


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