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Mental WellbeingThought


Well for me it’s really weird the person whom I’m dating is making me do things that are actually not acceptable to me, he has stopped putting in any effort and has started talking to other girls. I was a control freak with him, he used to misunderstand everything that I used to say did not understand my feelings asked for money from me and everything was going wrong. But somewhere I made him my strength and now things have escalated so much that I’m actually not able to focus on my studies or anything my career is going down the lane and I have no clue what I should do!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ava
14 replies

Tanmay @skinnyjean2611

i think you should do things that helps keep your mind away from this thought you have you set a goal for what you have to do in a day and focus on that its your future you can make it if you want or you can ruin it if you want


I am setting up daily goals but they actually are not helping as much because my mind keeps on going in that direction 😖

Tanmay @skinnyjean2611

what if you do what you want for a certain period of time and than stop
you can watch your show during the day and start studying from evening for period of time which is larger than the time you spend on series

Tanmay @skinnyjean2611

you can also listen to music it helps to focus


I will try doing it and the thing that worries me the most is that this guys will squeeze everything out of me

Tanmay @skinnyjean2611

Why don’t you break up with him?? Do you love him ??

Tanmay @skinnyjean2611

It’s better to leave a relationship rather than give yourself mental stress


That’s the problem I can’t breakup with him because he will tell everything about me to my entire college mu entire personal information will be leaked everywhere and he will not stop from posting my pictures anonymously all over the internet

Tanmay @skinnyjean2611

What if you have a rough break up you know when people throw stuff at each other it may sound weird but I think you should destroy the devices that contains those pictures and you should be careful while sending pictures to your bf you should trust someone by heart before sending pictures I think you can do this or talk to him like adults…


I will I’ll talk to him maybe he will understand


Its very easy to see that you are not happy in this relationship. So lets face it, the best outcome for you would be to end this relationship as soon as possible. Tell this guy straight that you are not happy with the things he does. Tell him straight with precise details so he really knows and give him an ultimatum with a deadline. If the deadline passes have no further contact you will get over it. New relationships may bring more pleasant surprises and attitudes that could benefit you.🐱


I am trying to just do it it will take time but let’s hope for the best

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ava

Never give up @ava

You should leave him in others words kick him out of your life.NAd please do not frustrate, do not give him anything at any cost. If the blackmails you then please contact the police before something happens worst to you.


I will soon I have to breakup with him asap ik that


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