Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Mental WellbeingThought

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Now&Me @nowandme

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Love Always,
Team Now&Me

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678 replies
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

So happy to have you here @ashishmassey 🧡

Gabie @gabie13

I just joined the app. I love it so far.

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George @kl33r

Sweet nice to meet you

Antoinette @3ladybugs

Thank you it’s nice to be here ☺️

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sree @sree19



My boyfriend ty doesn’t know what is going on with me anymore because of the abuse relationships and past trauma with my ex boyfriend joe

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry that you’re going through a hard time. Please take care of yourself 🤍

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a supportive & kind community.

More power to you ✨

Profile picture for Now&Me member @viqas

Viqas @viqas

Hey actually you know what you’re the best amon humans… At least you thought of this website. Thank you ❤️

Abhijith Sabu @pinkfloyd93...

It is completely natural

Dipin Kochhar @dipinkoc2

That is the biggest fear we carry with ourselves. We are afraid of their reaction. But please remember that if he/she truly loves you and care about you. It will not make a difference in their feelings towards you, in fact they will start to care more as they will realize that you need that care that much needed love and affection. As lot of us loose our confidence in our selves and start to see everyone as potential threat.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07

PRATHAM @pratham_07_07

Yeah just clear with him , he’ll understand if he really like you share with him
It’s hard to move on from our past but don’t bleed on someone who is nothing to do with you past enjoy the present and future 😘
I’ll be here if need help ❤️
Feel free ❤️💖

Maria Jabore @chela

Sorry you are going through that


I have the same shit happening with me, I can’t feel anything towards my current bf and I can’t even trust him. The only thing you can do is to let go of the past

George @kl33r

What would u not communicate to him what u need to then


I’m dealing with the same issue. Can talk in person and vent our hearts out:-\

Dianne Cochran @kozyacres7...

Talk openly with him as best you can to try to express the feelings you have from the previous abusive relationship. It is difficult I know but the more openly you can share, the better understanding your current boyfriend will have. My first relationship after being in an abusive controlling relationship was filled with triggers, sometimes in the middle of sex even and I at first would just shut down or make excuses but it began to effect the relationship even more and so I shared about the abuse-physical, emotional, sexual, mental and then my boyfriend and I were able to work through it.

Adi @watermelonn

We feel sorry, being a family of human race, I can feel the pain and suffering.




But how do you move on?

Mathias G @ozzythedog

Hope you can talk to your boyfriend, don’t feel like you must tell everything just so he knows that it’s hard for you. Then when you feel ready you tell him what’s happened. Hope all will be good

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That’s rough, Have you guys had a deep conversation?

Anurag Yadav @avinash00143


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Shikha @shikhanew


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Welcome to Now&Me 🧡 So happy to have you here ✨

Mkkk Rrr @vijayreddy07


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Ayush @bunny_3


chirag surana @chirag22


moore @esad


chirag surana @chirag22

Oh hi bro!😬

Priya Mohan @dumbu22


Shikha @shikhanew


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyyy 🧡 Welcome to Now&Me 🙌🏻

Abhijith Sabu @pinkfloyd93...


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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey anonymous! Welcome to Now&Me 🧡

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LostSoul @ratii12


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy, welcome to Now&Me! 🧡🧡🧡🧡 So happy to have you here ✨

AGirlHasNoName @agirlhasno...

How do i change my username?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, you can send us an email at 📧 and we’ll help you out 🤗

Harshad @harsh97

Multiple thoughts around in my mind. I am very disturb. I dont know what I do. I am feeling alone at every time. Sometime angry. Some time

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey @harsh97 we’re so sorry that you’re going through a hard time. Please take care of yourself 🤍

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a supportive & kind community.

More power to you ✨

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @rekhs2516

Rekhs @rekhs2516


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hii @rekhs2516 🧡 Welcome to Now&Me. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a supportive & kind community 🤗

Please feel free to reach out to us in case of any questions ✨

Abhijith Sabu @pinkfloyd93...



Hi , just wanted to let you know that I just saw my girlfriend cheating on me , and i know it sucks but why iam getting hurted because of her , I’m feeling pretty bad and miserable …

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry that you’re going through a hard time. Please take care of yourself 🤍

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a supportive & kind community.

More power to you ✨

Mathias G @ozzythedog

It so sad to read this. I can tell that you are heartbroken. Have you talked to her about what’s happened? Can you accept her again? Trust her? Many couples goes through this dilemma and many grows stronger, but you guys must communicate

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaeum25

Lim Ju Kyung @chaeum25

Still crying… he said he will not love me anymore,

Mkkk Rrr @vijayreddy07


Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaeum25

Lim Ju Kyung @chaeum25

Last 2018 when i saw him cheated on me, but still i give him a chance , and chance and chance… how fool i iam i give him many chance… and now i give up and he told me that he will not love me anymore…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry that you’re going through a hard time. Please take care of yourself 🤍

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a supportive & kind community.

More power to you ✨

Parth Bajpai @pbajpai

Its okay to give your time and love to the people who don’t deserve … unless u learn from it and start prioritising yourself … i know u will come up … I believe you 💛🤗

George @kl33r

I will still love u cause u love him why he get too many chance

amal prem @amalprrm

how can i get someone to talk about my issues in this app

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy, welcome to Now&Me. We’re so happy to have you here 🤗
You can directly share your thoughts from the new though icon (+) and connect with a supportive & kind community ✨


This year has been too stressful to me and my family. Just don’t know how to process them altogether

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry that you’re going through a hard time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a supportive & kind community.

Sending you love, hope and strength 🧡

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Her @whyuwannakno

I wish someone would just help me. I’m truly have no one and I’m tired of being alone. Felt great just to say it without judgement

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey whyuwannakno, we’re so sorry to know that you’re having a tough time. We hope you can share how you feel on Now&Me and connect with a kind and supportive community! Sending you hope and love 🧡


You are not alone in this…!


I gave away everything I had to the wrong people. Now I have nothing.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a hard time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

Drena @drena

What did you give away?


Thank you for making this type of website where we can just share our thoughts and feelings without being judged by what we feel or think

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Thank you for being here 🧡 We’re so happy that you’re a part of our family 🥺
Sending you strength, love and hope always✨

Rahul @lonely_lucky

I’m a normal middle class person working in private sector. I love my kids and my wife and they are my world after my parents. Last month I got to know that my wife is having affair with a guy from the past 3 years and regularly they are doing sex chats and video calls. I got to know this last month when accidentally I took her mobile for some OTP. I asked her about that after some days she accepted her fault and told sorry to me but again after 1 week recently she was doing video sex chats with him… again i cought her this time she was in tears and begged me that she will not do it again and she told kids and you are important to me not that guy which she accepted that it was her mistake to cheat me.

I am in a depression…I can’t share my pain to anyone not even my friends my parents because they start judging her and trouble her … I still love her a lot.

I don’t know what to do whether to believe her and accept…

Many times I thought of taking my life but i stopped because I don’t want my kids to suffer.

I love her a lot we never had a major disturbance between us.

She suffers from rheumatoid and knee issues and I always take care of her health and worry about her.

In return she had given me a shock of my life.

Feeling helpless and depressed

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a hard time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨


One thing I can say now the relation between you guys have changed , but still be with eachother cuz you guy’s have childrens 🥺🥺 i know this matter really personally at the end it’s really hard time for kids , don’t let tham face this problem 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Believe me i want to tell this to my parents if I can go to past
But there is no way I can do that so i want you to listen me
It’s hard , it’s really hard to go through this situation dude but take care of youself and your children
I know it’s quite embarrassing to share this things
Only those who can understand
Will understand what’s going on in your head
I seen my dad all night crying with sound
And he don’t know i was crying too just because I saw him crying
About mom idk
Love you dude and your children
God bless you
It’s hard time but your children didn’t do anything wrong don’t let them face this 🙏🙏🙏🙏
And don’t do the divorce i know you have think about this one too
Don’t do that

Rahul @lonely_lucky

Thanks mate. I have moved on from the situation now and we are doing good and our main concentration is children.

It’s very tough to handle and overcome that situation… As every onr says Time heals everything…same thing happened with me … Along with that the love i have on my kids made me to realize the fact and accept her again in my life. Now she is doing good hope everything works fine from now on.

I always feel lucky to be part of this wonderful group, so many positive souls ready to help, listen and console.


Hey, I know that I can’t feel the way you were feeling in your past or in your present, I also know that you love your children more than anything in this world. But, don’t you think it’s unfair that you are forgiving your wife again and again even still now god knows if she is loyal this time or just faking it. You should also think about yourself because no one gonna live your life for you and no one can help you. I know it’s very difficult to leave someone whom you love so much, but think about your children what if they know about their mom, what they will learn. I’m sorry but i think some mistakes are never meant to be forgive, I also believe in 2nd chance but not in 3rd chance and so on. About your children. I don’t think so, that a man can’t do the things that a woman can. A single father is more than sufficient for their children if his thinking is positive and he can take the initiative. And I’m really sorry if you hurt from my words. I’ll wish for your happiness.God bless and stay a happy.

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I’m not understanding this thing, if you are not happy how can you make others happy. And you are saying that now everything is sorted out but tell me do you trust her fully as you were do in the past. And are you sure that you can change her with your love and affection because I’m not sure, some people can’t change themselves. And I’m not sure that she even loves your children, before doing this she didn’t think about their children and their mental health, I’m not believing that how can be a mother is so selfish. I’m not sure that you know Hindi but I heard this “Jab biwi hath chudhakar jaane lage toh usse kabhi mat rokna, kyunki hath chudhane se pehle Jaa chuki hai voh”. If you understand this then think about this. And about your children i totally understand that it will affect their mental health but don’t you believe that it’s totally depends on the parents upbringing, try to become a friend of your children so that they can trust you and understand you. This is a modern world and a single mother and a single father can take care of their children by own. I’m not sure this story is reality and yours or you just write it over here to get the views of others, but man if this is all truth then I must say you are not doing fair specially not with your children.

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We are here for everyone ,
But still take care of yourself and your kids
I’m happy after hearing your things it’s all good now
I was worried about you and your kids cuz i have been through this and ik how it’s feel 😅😅 trusting someone is fine but don’t trust them blindly
And yeah you need to clear everything before things get worst
Don’t fight in front of anyone cuz and specially infront of your kids cuz it not good for their mental health
I’m saying this cuz i was afraid to do anything at that time when this thing happen i was just 10 but i was Stopping everything i was holding them not to fight sometimes i got hits too
At that age i was going through this 😅😅
And people call me you are immature
Cuz they don’t know the real me

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I am feeling so lonely lately i am in new college and unable to make new friends and my best friend has found new friends and has been ignoring me it hurts it feels i have no one to share my feelings with i am all alone and this loneliness is killing me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07

PRATHAM @pratham_07_07

Dumbo 😌😌 ok I’ll give you an advice 😌 be quite whole time in college do study the class will think you are an topper 😎 and Everyone of them will die to talk with you
It’s my personal opinion cuz i did this and I’m doing great now
But while doing friendship see the person is really good or not

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I just cant thank u enough for making this app i had alot of things in my i just wanted them out but i cant talk to anyone about them because of my trust issues i knw i just join today but im very thankfull to u all

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

We’re so happy to know that you love the app 🧡 Thank you for all the love, kindness and support 🥰

We’re so glad to know that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🤗


I’m exhausted from wearing the emotional mask that I’m fine and not falling to pieces. I don’t know how much longer I can keep up the charade. Playing a character I don’t recognise.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry that you’re going through a hard time. Please take care 🤍

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a supportive & kind community.

More power to you ✨

Triv Ial @nixithid

Ugh, been there myself. When it becomes easier to talk to somebody as your false persona, rather than give an honest reply. It just feels easier to show someone a character, rather than let them see you.


I was in a 5 year relationship and he cheated we broke up and soon after that he got married to someone else. I’ve tried to move on and was in a one year relationship but with time the guy started being so toxic like he couldn’t agree to anything I say and didn’t let me take out time for my family but instead talk to him whole day. I tried talking to him but he end up cussing me. Yesterday we fought and I blocked him. I don’t want to see his face as he is giving me more pain than my previous relationship. I deserve happiness and I’m following the path but on the other side I don’t want to hurt anyone. I don’t know if I should talk to him again or just let things go. Sometimes it’s like I’m never good enough for a relationship people keep treating me like they want and when I try to take a stand for me they end up humiliating me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry that you’re going through a hard time. Please take care 🤍

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a supportive & kind community.

More power to you ✨


how much time does it take to approve my thoughts ?

branca adam @brancaadam22

Um so been really frustrated and stressed out due to school lately. The course I’m taking really requires you to have 80.5% to just pass each class. I’ve made it to the finals, tomorrow is the final and I’m so stressed. #medschool

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

bhumika @bhumi14

Good to be here for the first time, hope to grow more and transparent with the help of this app.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

We’re so happy you’re here 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a supportive & kind community ✨


I am sick of my life people hanged up against me for this one girl who genuinely was close to me who now isn’t because they wanted to be her bestfriend and now it’s me who’s left alone yeah it was my mistake too but just why always me I feel like shit

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨


Hello everyone. I am new here

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡 Welcome to Now&Me ✨ Please feel free to reach out to us in case of any questions or doubts 🌸


I’ve been having a lot of disturbing thoughts lately and can’t find anywhere to talk about it. I think I might be suicidal.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Here are a few resources that might help:

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨


I feel so worth less all the time

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

darleen @darleen12

Hi everyone I’m new here today my thoughts are my body hurts like 60 year old grandma I’m single for my birthday and Christmas , new year for first time after three year relationship .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry that you’re going through a hard time 🥺

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a supportive & kind community.

More power to you ✨

Sweta Kiran @swet


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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy welcome to Now&Me 🧡🧡

charan @ckg


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Anyone free to talk?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey welcomeeee 💕 We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a supportive & kind community ✨

Aarti @aarti

Feeling a lil drained but trying to get up and start working…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey @aarti ✨ We’re so proud of you. Sending you love, hope and strength always 💕


Hey❤️ everything will be alright
I can understand it’s though but trust me life is about sooo many surprises and it’s worth never loose hope and confidence

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jitvar10

Jitvar Singh @jitvar10


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey @jitvar10 🧡 Welcome to Now&Me ✨

Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or doubts! 🤗


I am a 17 year old girl with a masturbation problem. I’m not able to control my addiction. I could really use some advice and help.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨


I came around this website while browsing for anxiety. And its new for me to comunicate online Hope it helps!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy, welcome to Now&Me 🧡 We really hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨


If you can’t change yourself then please don’t blame god or your luck.

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brinda @bri_nav

I feel like I’m the last choice to someone. I feel like one comes to me only to help me out

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy, welcome to Now&Me 🧡

We really hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

Takumi Rui @takumiru

Hope it’s a good platform

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey @takumiru, welcomeeeeee 💐

We really hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨


I’m feeling weird

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy, welcome to Now&Me 🧡

We really hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

Diya Chawla @dee09

Feeling good after posting thoughts!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Yayyyyyy 🧡


Hi there people
Hope you are doing fine. I’m a girl from Algeria and I need help but as it’s a shameful matter so I’m unable to ask anyone for help.

The thing is that I have a cousin who likes me and I also like him. It started since last year and I’m unable to meet him except 2 or 3 times a year. He is elder than me and yesterday I got a dream that he is marrying some girl and I’m just watching them getting married and at the end, I committed suicide. I’m very traumatized by this and when I asked him that about his decision, he told me that he will marry a girl who will be his official wife but I will be his true love and I’m just… broken and traumatized because of this. Can anyone please suggest what should I do?

Please, I really need help🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy, welcome to Now&Me 🧡

We really hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

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07Bhumika @bhumikaa


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy @bhumikaa, Welcomeeeeee 💐

Someone @doesnot_matter

Just joined the app. couldn’t figure it out how to post. restarted the app and now everything is working fine.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey @doesnot_matter, welcomeeee 💕 We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a supportive & kind community ✨

Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or doubts 🤗

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧡 Welcomeeeeee 💐


Right now, feeling worst , no one is their to talk … Every time that one guy who left me is coming in my mind 😭😔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

prakriti @prakriti3552


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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧡 Welcomeeeeee 💐

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Vaishnavi @vaishnaviiiii

I just joined the app and I’m not able to post or share anything IDK why 🤔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy, can you please try restarting the app on your phone?

Let us know 🧡


Hi … New here… :P

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧡 Welcomeeeeee 💐


i am feeling miserable😒

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨


i am so exhausted and tired and confused.
I’ve been trying to keep up with everything and feel cheery and be happy but i am so tired now. i am back home and i have no friends here because all of then are abroad, my boyfriend is in the army so I can’t talk to him daily, my best friend is so away and obviously i can’t talk to her all the time, i am a single child and both my parents work so most part of the day i am home alone. i try so hard to focus on classes and do the self care i read about but it is so difficult for me to do it daily and find any motivation to do the things like readings or skincare or whatever, and then i am in my last year so i have to focus on studies but because of all this i can’t, and then someone asked me to make new friends and i don’t have the energy to make new friends over the internet now

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

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Hey my previous account got banned for no reason. I never posted anything inappropriate and I was nice to everybody here.

Aashi Nema @aashin

This is the first time I’m here and posting something

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧡 Welcomeeeeee 💐


Been feeling sad lately. Not able to focus on anything. Hope to overcome this feeling and get on track again.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

Wake Me Up @deepakbino

Hello ! I am new here so I would like some tips on how to use the app… thanks in advance .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @coleth

This place looks very nice!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy 🧡 Welcomeeee 💐

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_gautamswami_

Gautam Swami @_gautamswami...

How to make connections?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, thank you for reaching out to us 🧡

Connections are a way to personally chat with members of the Now&Me community. When you connect with someone, you can interact with them for 24 hours. After 24 hours, you can choose if you’d like to stay connected or not.

You can send connection requests to members you’ve interacted with before. If you don’t have access to send connection requests, please spend some more time with Now&Me Community🌸

Hope this answers your question😊

Have a great day✨

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Jesse pinkman @labeeb


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Now&Me @nowandme



feeling broken & defeated❤️‍🩹

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨


How to get out from someone? At first he used to msg me talk w me everyday because of which I got attached to him but now he doesn’t even msg me and avoid me and it is going to be really awkward bcz he is my clg only

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

Jane @lifestar028

Sometimes people’s change their attitudes like they used to be because there is something on their mind so try to be clear with him if he wants to share something

Profile picture for Now&Me member @geeta07

Geeta Waghmare @geeta07

Hello everyone…
Just joined the app…
I’m still confused on how to use it…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy 🧡 Welcomeeee 💐

Please let us know if yu have any questions, we’re here to help you out 🤗

Profile picture for Now&Me member @am_vika_143

Bhavika @am_vika_143

I have just joined the app right now willsurely tell u how I felt afterwards

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, welcome to Now&Me 🧡🧡



Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧡 Welcomeeeeee 💐


I’m a bit sad and depressed 😔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

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Barkha Jha @barkharanijhaa

Hello Now&Me!
Very glad to be here on this platform. Hope it will help me from my sadness and depressions.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡 We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨


I feel like im not good enough. Like ill mess up everything i do. Im scared all the time of people judging me. Im scared that ill make a fool of myself. I feel small and worthless.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡 We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

VikIe @vikie


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧡 Welcomeeeeee 💐

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Hridyasree @shee

Anyone please help me with this app😕 I’m new here💜

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧡 Welcomeeeeee 💐

Please feel free to reach out to us for any questions or doubts 🤗


Hey everyone!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧡 Welcomeeeeee 💐


dont feel very productive, too many things to do, firefighting all the time, exhausted by the end of the day and have 8 out of 10 things not done, feel just drained and guilty the next day. What do i do?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡 We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07

PRATHAM @pratham_07_07

Hey guys ☺️☺️😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! Welcomeeeee💐


I am in relationship with a guy since 5 years but idk why sometimes i feel like he don’t want me anymore he don’t give me proper time
He really don’t care about me about ny routine my health and all
This week i was so stressed out s i over dosed the medicnes and i told him and he was really fine he realy dont give a fuck about this
He didn’t ask about my health next day

But i love him alot i am so attached with him i don’t have some good friend so i consider him as my friend as my everything
I want to leave him but i can’t do this

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always 💐

rajnesh @raj33

How to manage my daughter

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Precious @yarbough26

Hello, my name is Precious Yarbough and I have self-esteem issues and I don’t know how to say “no” to people and I have sex with random guys

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always 💐

Maanviin @maanviin

I have just joined the app…Looking forward to share my thoughts and feelings…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! Welcomeeeee💐

Carl M @cjm

Just trying to understand

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

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oozy @wxyz

Recently joined and I’m happy

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! Welcomeeeee💐


Just lost in the world

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡 We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

Profile picture for Now&Me member @theabbie

Abhishek @theabbie

You can’t smile with your eyebrows raised


Now I’m in a confusion where I’m not getting to get to a particular situation

Madhu @madhue


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! Welcomeeeee💐

Profile picture for Now&Me member @blue_green

Sky @blue_green

I really really need help but I’m scared to ask. I will try again though

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always 💐

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazycatnow

crazy cat @crazycatnow

hello I’m sad

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always 💐

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazycatnow

crazy cat @crazycatnow

no its not safe. only 1 person talked to me privately and they tried to request my name, age, gender, location, and of course they insisted a lot to get social medias handle. Im not comfortable sharing any of those infos and im not here for dating.

Ps Padmanabhan @padmanabha...

Well I’m new and i confident that I’ll find my way around here .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! Welcomeeeee💐

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tripathishubha

Shubham @tripathishubha


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! Welcomeeeee💐

Anonymous @tamako

This is weird


Hello everyone I really don’t know how are I feel right but I’m glad to be here

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always 💐

Engg Jain @jain88

Feeling very down negative depressed mind choked can anybody help me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always 💐

Engg Jain @jain88

Feeling very negative depressed anxiety and mind for low feeling

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always 💐

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Nisha @linila

Hi… New here…

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Now&Me @nowandme

Hiiiii 🧚‍♀️ Welcomeeeeee 🌸

Nisha @linila

I don’t know how this app works… But I’d love to make new friends here.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧡 Welcomeeeeee 🧚‍♀️

Karmi 36 @carmen_06

Hey, it’s weird to talk about it but i’m going therapy and i feel better now so i’ll tell u. I have an anxiety disorder and also my parents are on the middle of a divorce, my boyfriend left me too and now he is so mad at me…

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Kavi @kashah

nearly lost my business of 27 yrs, trying to find what could next entreprenural journey…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always 💐

Mihir Vasani @mihir483


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️

Kathy Boston @kbsteele

I feel really lonely and sad

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always 💐

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Hello guys and gals, glad to be here !!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyyyy 🧚‍♀️ Welcomeeeeeeee 🤗


I posted my first “vent-out” thought here. And it felt so good. So light. I cried my heart out after putting up . And it really felt really good.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always 💐

anonymous @rupalish

I have just joinedin .Hope it serves me for what I am here

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme


We hope that this is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Amisha Rana @mishiiii

Its mishi here

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyyyyy, welcomeeeeeeee 🧚‍♀️💓

Abhi @winterartist

Just joined here, let’s how i can help myself & others here : )

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 💓 We hope that this is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸


I feel like I can’t relax fully on a weekend. Get an urge to work or think about things which don’t really matter. Get totally tired when the week starts again. Monday mornings are worst

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always 💐

Sofia @sophie_8

Hi! I just joined the app and i’m really liking it so far.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Awwww thank youuu🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️ We hope that this is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸


Tnx for making such an app

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Thank you for being a part of our community 🧚‍♀️💓

Nyasa Singh @nishu12

New here… kind of nervous… I’ll be talking to people qfter so long even though you’ll be anonymous to me but still i would be talking to a real human being and that’s scary for me especially when it’s my first time in this app

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always 💐

Mystery @mooncons


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Now&Me @nowandme



I wish i had someone to talk to sometimes when things get extremely hard

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always 💐

Louis Mattew @louismat

I broke up with my X, since Thier parents didn’t accept our proposal due to cast… However I still c her status and wats app about and we even try to convey msg on it…do I really miss her r is it just coz I am lonely

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community ✨

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always 💐

Mariana @marianat9

I think that my boyfriend is losing interest, and that really hurts me. I know this is not a “problem” but I basically cry myself to sleep every night and that is frustrating.

bilal bashar @bilalbashar

Hi everyone, I just joined this application and it’s very amazing. Because people get to know people

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyyy 🧡 welcomeeeeee 🧚‍♀️

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MaMoMe @momagan

What will happen if you are not smart


I want to talk personally

Not @qwertylz

I feel blank, with no energy to do anything, infact these days it’s even hard to get up and cook my meals that I end up skipping them. All I do is go to work come back and stay lost. I need help, I know I can talk to my friends but talking feels so difficult

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

Megha Jain @meghajain

I am 22week pregnant…I didn’t expect anything from anyone except my husband. But he didn’t help me in single thing.
I am going through different time, my body is feeling very different and emotions are very high. He makes me cry like hell….he is always involved in his sister and her children. His mother is God for her and he never respects my parents. I am person who doesn’t talk much.he has problems that I should keep talking to his family every time. I can’t .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

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💔 i miss her…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

pushkraj B @pushkraj07

Me use bhulna chahta hu…
How can i…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

Drena @drena

I’m reaching out to speak to anyone who has an eating disorder that they are struggling or recovering from.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy 🤗

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

Drena @drena

I have run away from the realities of my life for so long that I find myself alone. Though I have kids and a boyfriend it’s just not helpful to clear my thoughts with them. Need to find someone who can understand where I am right now.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨


my friend who’s my ex friend now is spreading rumours abt me which is never right and everyone believes it how can I take my revenge from her I just want her to feel the things I’ve been feeling bc of her

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ow97038

Olivia.R 🥺💕 @ow97038

im on here to find someone to be with for a long time and to love them


Hi Olivia. How are you?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ow97038

Olivia.R 🥺💕 @ow97038

is it ok if i try to find love on here this app is great and I have met lovely people

Shaila @kim_shailu


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyyy! 🧡 Welcome to Now&Me ✨

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maheepsingh17

singh💪🦅 @maheepsingh17


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyyy! 🧡 Welcome to Now&Me 🌸

nilesh patil @pnilesh74


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Helloooooo🧡✨ Welcomeeeeeeeee 🌸

JORDAN TOVI @jordanian

Can we post erotic things

Anant @anant47

I was finding an online platform from a long time which is secure and where I can share my feelings and finally I found now&me…thanks for providing such platform…❤️🙏

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Awwwww 🥺 Thank you for all the love and support 🧡

We hope Now&Me is a space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind & supportive community 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️

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Godson V Joy @godsonvjoy

I was in a serious relationship but it broke and now I can’t forget her I miss her her I read our old chats I don’t know what to do 😭

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Savi @got7outsold

Hey :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyyy! Welcomeeeee🧚‍♀️🧡

Kimmie Kimono @purplesky

I feel lost. I feel like I don’t belong. I have no talents or skills. I don’t matter. I’ll never be good enough.

CJ @cj14

Hi Kimmie. Please don’t talk like that. You are a special person


Hey! Just joined the app today

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy! Welcomeeeeee 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️


Ok…so i just happened to tell my best friend i love him…and he likes me back(he already proposed me two years back). But cant b in relationship because i dont think we wld have a future…bcz my family is super strict and they wont allow it to ever happen. I just dont want to start something thats not possible in future.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey 🌸🌸

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡


My thoughts idk what my mind wants or what my heart wants , i don’t know from where to start but i m glad I can express myself here … So it was 2019 and i came in relationship with a boy i had a crush on and when he cme to know tht i like him he said yess and that boy was my best friend and we fall in love with each other further we cared for each other and u know he was the best , always excited to talk to me and sharing all his problems and things with me and moreover always making me feel loved and cared and calmed idk my English is poor but i m just expressing myself… So everything was fine but as always misunderstandings came trust issues came but we always use to sort out are problems but now there are many problems trust issues and everything but he doesn’t even care idk it’s been 3 years and he is changed now idk what to say he did many mistakes but always wanted to stay with me even now he wants to stay with me but i don’t know should I stay or not because inbetween he broke up and dated someone else and thn he again cme back and we started dating again idk how to trust be doesn’t even care anymore i am not able to define is he true now or just doing time pass and u know i am miss the person he was I don’t know why he changed so much but the Caring and lovable person in him is dead idk he doesn’t even talk to me he always ignore me and still being in relationship with me 😭😭😭i love him more thn anything idk what to do

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time 🥺

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨


Recently I have been feeling very down and anxious over things which I can’t control and i don’t want to talk to my close ones… I think that they have no interest in whatever I am saying or feeling…i have set my goals and am working towards it but at times I feel I need a shoulder to cry on

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡
Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

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I feel like I don’t have feelings or attraction to anyone or anything anymore I don’t have it in me. My mental is messed up everyday I’m sad no matter wht it is. I always mind my business and wish well to all I have no malice in my heart and though I’m so unlucky and I’ve been hurt physically emotionally and mentally by most ppl who have came across me. And asking for help is worse I tried and don’t want any sort of medication or therapy. I don’t have anyone to vent to but my parents but I feel like they would worry about me. And my financial situation is beyond worse. My mind feels like it’s running hundreds of miles per hour of sadness and being mad at myself for my current situation. I hope someone has a better day than me blessings to all👍🏻✨

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Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

Dev_-2211 @madmanus

When will I get connect feature ?

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧚‍♀️ Thank you for reaching out to us!

Please spend some time interacting with the Now&Me community to gain access to connections ✨

Hope this helps 🌸


i can talk without judgement.

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧡

We hope that this is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸


There are peoe around you when they come in your life they become your world but you breaks when you know that it’s only from your side because they have other priorities but still feel happy for them and you are also happy in their happiness and that’s me. I don’t care if someone says that you feel so attached that you will find it difficult to leave but I think that’s okay yes now I will have one line but it’s okay to not be okay to be extremists that’s what make you unique in group of people so let that be.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

Rahul Singh @literature101

I feel blank , the state of having zero emotions have lead me to sign up here.

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Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

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I am not female i am man my age is 37 so please don’t come with female sympathy. And I request all female i don’t want to talk with you. Amy male can chat with me. I don’t want any female to se and put me on wrong side.

Kishan @kishantomar1087

Hello, i m new here
Hiw can i do one to one connection

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy! 🧡 Welcomeeeeeeee

Please spend some time interacting with the Now&Me community to gain access to connections ✨

Hope this helps 🌸

Zach @lilsackboi

I’m on the verge of death

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Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

rocky khanna @rockycool

I miss my best friend a lot
She used to talk a lot to me
Be with me. And we used to have hangouts and all. But now all of a sudden she is disappearing from my life.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨


Feeling so empty like i have nothing to say ammm whyy ?

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Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyyy 🧡 Welcomeeeeee 🧚‍♀️

Vraj Chaubal @vraj_16

Just landed here!! Let’s see how it goes with Now&Me

Dewi @betterment

Hello vraj!

Vraj Chaubal @vraj_16


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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyyyy! 🧡 Welcomeeeeee to Now&Me 🧚🏻‍♀️

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Dewi @betterment

Just broke up with someone. Feeling sad

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Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

Dewi @betterment

How are you doing?

Shreyash @shreyasssssss

Heyy!! How are you doing

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧡 Welcomeeeeee to Now&Me 🧚🏻‍♀️

Meeta @meeta_5786

I am very confident lady…but from some times…i feel anxiety in public

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Now&Me @nowandme

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨


Hi, I’m new here.

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧡 Welcomeeeeee to Now&Me 🧚🏻‍♀️

Afzal Azu @afsal


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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧡 Welcomeeeeee to Now&Me 🌸

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧡 Welcomeeeeee to Now&Me 🧚🏻‍♀️

Anonymously @hyunra

Uhm hello? I hope people here will help me when I am feeling sad and depressed

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧡 Welcomeeeeee to Now&Me 🧚🏻‍♀️ We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

sanyukta @samsonotcool

Hello guys! I feel that I am always the one causing problems or the bad/idiotic person in every situation that lowers my confidence and I can’t do anything about it

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧚🏻‍♀️ We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

sanyukta @samsonotcool

I feel like a loser and hardwork never pays off

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy 🧚🏻‍♀️ We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

M A wajeed @wajid

When i realised that I am open to unknown people, saw the ad in some reels about now & me. Looking forward to hearing, sharing, talking & having fun with our thoughts. Pls feel free to text or tag any time😄

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Now&Me @nowandme

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

charan @ckg

Hi everyone

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyyyyy! Welcomeee 🧡

Samantha @sa33ybi3ch19

My boyfriend suggested that I try this out

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy! Welcome to Now&Me 🧚🏻‍♀️✨

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Shadu @shadu


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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyyyyy! Welcomeee 🧡


it’s going to be a year since all of this happened I’ve been constantly fighting with my mind to avoid remembering all of that but still it kinda eats me up each day basically i had my first kiss and the next day i got to know that he was cheating on me i don’t have any sort of thing with him now but he is somehow a common person related to my circle he is a disgusting human that’s what everyone says about him idk why i constantly blame myself for all of that happened IDK what but i feel guilty for something it really breaks me sometimes

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

Sumit kumar @miiet


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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyyyyyy 🧡


Want to vent but no one cares and need a true friend that wants to sincerely listen and care

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Now&Me @nowandme

Hey ✨ We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

Maria Jabore @chela

I can’t talk because told I repeat my self over and over, what do I do?

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Now&Me @nowandme

Hey ✨ We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡


i just feel so upset, it’s super stupid and i can’t even face it. It’s too overwhelming and i dunno what am i supposed to do, it stresses tf outta me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨


actually here to tell my story, yk i have a friend and he happens to like me cause we’ve been texting for more than 2 years i guess we do meet sometimes here and there but it was always a brief moment and uhm he hasn’t seen my face well lol i mean he had seen it before but it was years ago and now he probably forgot how fucking ugly im and anyways so he likes me and i do too but i akkkkkkk why is it so hard yeah i do like him but i been telling him that i just wanna be friends with him i hope he doesn’t feel upset because of what i said and all but i have super strict parents and i rarely go out plus i start shivering when im with a lot of people it just makes me so scared and i know they’re not gonna hurt me or anything but i just cannot calm down and im super insecure about my face and my body and he’s just so pretty. i could only imagine being with him and im so worried about my exams too i wanna cry help.

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Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

Lonna Morris @halonna

I just want a friend that can help me with my heart

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy! 🧚🏻‍♀️ We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡


Me n my husband got married for almost 3 yrs but our relationship getting worse since we cant talk to each other. The distance btw us getting further since we have our son at 15mons right now. I feel so lonely in this marriage. I m working part time from home and full time mom . It s just happened for a couple days ago. I went to my workplace and my husband being with my son for almost 8 hrs. He gave me attitude like I went out for funs and let him do all the works at home. Idk why at that momment I just end up this relationship . The man I m living with look like he didnt care about my feelings at all. I drove over an hour and a half to work. I often go there once every two weeks to catch up the works. I got home so sad when seeing my boy without feeding dinner yet and my husband attitude. I asked him and he said nothing but for me its just too much. He has such a long day at work from 8am to 10pm but I havent said nothing. There s no reason for him to show me attitude like this. I am thinking to walk away to end with him. For me there s no reason for him to treat me like that.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨


Why do I feel no one understands me… I don’t feel like sharing my problems with the one’s I’m close with as I feel no one understands me and I rather stay alone but loneliness is killing me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we’re so sorry you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🧡

Sending you loads of love, strength and hope always ✨

chirag surana @chirag22

Damn! This is going to be crazy.

Alison Darling @shyfirey5

Mismatched love languages. So essentially I am on my own. WITHOUT input or shared decisions. Unvalidated.

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Divinee @dumdum03

Hello I’m new here. I got here from an instagram post. I’d like to thank the creator for this brilliant idea& app. Sometimes I just need to be heard but I don’t have access to a therapist at the moment, hope this would help me 🤘🏼

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Kashifa Hadia @kashifa

Why it happens that we have to hope for the things which are actually not made for us?

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! Welcome to Now&Me 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

chirag surana @chirag22

This is crazy!
I want to make friends here with whom i can share anything! And want to meet them tooo.if they want to😂😆

sana fatma @sazu


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Now&Me @nowandme

Hellooooo 🧡 Welcome to Now&Me ✨✨


Feeling anxious.

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

41 @maou

Well life is tough right now, I am confronting time, it’s slips and I can’t do shit

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡

We’re so sorry to know that you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

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Could you please help me to change my username as it’s a number .

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy 🧡

Can you please send us an email at and we’ll help you out? 🤗


I love the app and I need to vent out so if anybody wants to listen to me, go ahead and read it…… I have a younger brother who is 4 years younger than me but he insults me every time in front of everyone and calls me a bitch and fucking hoe I don’t know how to deal with him…. He also once said that he would beat me to death, and for the record he is my real brother as in we have the same parents…. If you have any advice how to deal with this you can tell me

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟

Sending loads of love and hope ✨


I came to know that my gf went to lodge with her crush in the oast and he kissed her and made sexual touches to her .she says she couldn’t understand good touch and bad touch at that time and that makes me hard to believe and she told that she blocked him after that.Today she told me this thing I understand that it was past and past has nothing to with us and i also understand it was not her mistake but the thing is that now that i know that it will be difficult for me to get physical with her at any level can u please help me out

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟

Sending loads of love and hope ✨


I’m tired
And for sure I know I’m depressed
It’s been tough these days
And my exam is just around the corner
This doesn’t just stop happening

Was I ready to get into a relationship?

My mental health is getting down

Yeah we had a lot of good moments though

But good things also possess flaws don’t they?

I just want all these to pass for good

I want my normal life back so bad

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡

We’re so sorry to know that you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Triv Ial @nixithid

Got home from work not too long ago, absolutely exhausted. Wish I had somebody to snuggle with, but going outside and finding someone sounds even more exhausting… sigh.

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

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A girl beauty is not in her heart
It is in her attitude kindness which she show to the people🤗



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Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, welcomeeeeeeee🧚💖

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anxiouspixie @anxiouspixie

This is such a great initiative!!

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy, Welcome to Now&Me 🧡 Thank you 🥺🥺🥺

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy, welcome to Now&Me 🧡✨

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JustAsIzzy @lostlostlost

Hi … I think I’m kinda losing my mind

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨


I made a huge mistake when I left my ex because he switched up and I thought he stopped loving me, and now I feel lost and hopeless and I am very sure his not gonna want me back, but I really want him back, I don’t know what to do 😔

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We’re so sorry to know that you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Rose Mzumala @rosettarosie


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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy! Welcomeeee to Now&Me 🧡


It’s been years and I still get over my ex! I can’t stand the thought of meeting someone new! I try so hard to open up to new people but I don’t think I ever will!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

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Hi , I’m new to this. Im herr for anyone who needs a friend to listen or deal w their problems

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy! Welcomeeee to Now&Me 🧡


Hey everyone! I am a newbie on this app. I have been feeling extremely low. And i didnt feel like i have anyone to share my things with. I am feeling very low today. Just got into a fight with family. I just dont have anyone to share how i feel. I may have lot of people i know. But these days i dont have any friends.

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We’re so sorry to know that you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨



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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy, welcome to Now&Me 🧡✨



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Now&Me @nowandme

Hey! 👋🏼

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sofie de @hamburgerhelper

Cool :)

George @kl33r

Need Simone to chat with

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

George @kl33r

My Boone knows how hyper sexual I feel now I relaps after 3 months and imgunna loose my mind soon if Simone doesn’t speak with me a while

Jade @jade18

I left someday behind who loved me. I feel guilty

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

joe @joe12

I am away from my home town like 600kms for a job where I earn not able to have time with family most times feel like lonely new place new friends but still feel like missing everything

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We’re so sorry to know that you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Kshama @kshama

You really love this person… Suddenly he has become important to you… Somewhere you feel that he feels the same for you… But you two are scared to take it to the next step and be in a relationship because of the past experiences, current priorities and what will people think if we get together… It’s so confusing

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

kunal ar @mink

Going through tough times. Got engaged with a person who I love and suddenly a shift of behaviour causing toxicity and emotional harm to myself. Not sure how to deal with it. Situation is complex

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We’re so sorry to know that you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

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ash @ash_2506

im new here and ive posted something. i was feeling so many things at once and letting it all out here was tough but i feel so much better now! thank you for this platform!

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy, Welcome to Now&Me 🧡 Thank you 🥺🥺🥺

Lost @shivi_rangra

Hello, lovely people, I hope you guys are fine?

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy, welcome to Now&Me 🧡✨

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Navadeep @navadeep

It’s good for now. Let’s see what’s gonna happen?🙃

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

So happy to hear that! And it’s just gonna get better!! 🤗


So lately I’ve been struggling with a break up and it hurts more knowing that I haven’t fully healed from it even though it’s been 5 months. It’s just hard to hear that and my ex is happy now and in glad that they are but sometimes it just hurts knowing how he treated me and my friends that he’s now happy with someone else.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We’re so sorry to know that you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Aman Batta @amanbatta

Hi all! This is Aman and I’m an RJ, host, anchor and a professional disc Jockey by passion and profession. Here to listen to anyone who wants to vent out anything at all. Am a good listener and love to lend my ears (and eyes) to hear you out and share my life as well. Let’s connect! ❤️🤗

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy Aman, Welcome to Now&Me 🧡

Abdullah @abdullahamir143

Any date/love??

zari💕🧚🏽‍♀️ @zari

You are in search of love ?

Rekiyat @raksbim

This year has been a tough year for me. How do i cope with all this. Financial not ok. And its getting to me.

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We’re so sorry to know that you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

zari💕🧚🏽‍♀️ @zari

Trust me I am in the same boat… I feel so chocked and tired and it weighs me down … you are not alone ❤️ I pray we all find solutions .


What you should know about me for this post is that I’m neither rich nor an alpha type.

Life can get hard sometimes. You tell yourself that you have control over what you feel and think but sometimes it’s too hard! So you feel bad in the end because negative emotions are bombarding you.

This is how I feel.
I made a mistake so I got berated by a classmate - not a boss but a classmate. Also, the mistake was no big deal but the dude snapped as he pays for my rent. That mf! ahaha

The other guys that were there were just silent, and I could feel that they felt bad for me. I swear my ears were burning and I wanted to punch that guy. But - he’s rich, and I have no strong friends.
Plus my team might get crewed if I did that. Of, being at his family’s construction site didn’t encourage me.

And so I ate shit.

But there’s a positive side to it, even though not much by now. I understand how it feels to be treated like dirt. So, being an asshole to others is that much less appealing to me.

I’m a hustler on my way, trying to carve a good life for myself. And damn I just want to let this burden out. Im afraid that it will eat me up

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy, thank so much for sharing! 🧡
We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟

Judith @jaydee

I don’t feel anything
Not even love
I be been so hurt and can’t remover when last I genuinely loved someone or was genuinely happy

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨


I recently submitted my final thesis, but it is under words count, im so worried, will they fail me, for

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We’re so sorry to know that you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Savita Rai @savi

Feeling terrible today…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We’re so sorry to know that you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨


I wish I could talk about my problems to anyone😑…bt I am scared

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We hope that Now&Me can be the safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

zari💕🧚🏽‍♀️ @zari

Please do, I want to listen ❤️ genuinely

Savita Rai @savi

I couldn’t believe I am hereee searching for someone other than God to share my problems with…


Life is not nice to you when something is eating you from inside

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We hope that Now&Me can be the safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨


How do you offer to help a child who is 4 dress properly with clear pure intentions out of the negligence of his aunt and your so called “friend” advices him publicly in your presence denouncing him to never remove his shorts when someone ( girls) tells him to like am I going to molest him💔😕? His aunt clearly told me to help him and my friend out of mere stupidity and insensitivity cracks a disgusting joke … yea I know that was a great advice but the timing was wrong and saying that just to get me upset … how is that a friend?.. I felt utterly embarrassed in front of everyone…I clearly do not find that funny … and the worst part was I aired out my emotions and I was gaslighted . She said that I should find a better reason to be upset and it was not worth being upset over. Like is she going to tell me how I am supposed to feel?or what I am supposed to be upset about? … this made my whole day horrible … it hurts coming from someone you’ve known for a long time … honestly lost respect today. What should I do… I feel soo sad and not understood … she still doesn’t care how I feel and cut me off while I was talking … I was trying to be nice and still got disrespected. My mental health right now is unstable and she is aware I have anxiety and I’m feeling very disoriented.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We’re so sorry to know that you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨


Thank you so much❤️ … I’m new here and finding it a bit hard to connect with people … it tells me the feature isn’t available to me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

That’s because you will need to use the application regularly for a few days. Once you’ve spent some time with the Now&Me community, your profile shall be verified and you’ll be able to send a connection request to users you have interacted with! 🧡🧡 Hope that helps :))


I was in a relationship with a guy for 5 years i was deeply & blindly in love with him but he brokeup with me a year ago because I caught him cheating on me . It was not an ordinary breakup, he molested me, done the every possible thing which broke me from inside out. He hurted me physically & mentally as well. I am still living in a trauma. I’m dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD.
After breakup i didn’t contacted him I didn’t even interfered in his life.
But now he’s texting me from fake accounts he’s blackmailing me for my videos & pictures & i don’t know what to do because if i would take any step of exposing him I’m afraid that he will circulate my pictures on the internet which he had done before as well. 😔I cannot even do suicide because I’m lone child of my parents, i cannot hurt them more! I’m stuck !!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We’re so sorry to know that you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

William @whickerson

One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do is listen to my ex girlfriend of 3yrs (broke up 3wks ago bc I caught her cheating) talk about her feelings for someone else. Knowing that it’s DEVASTATED me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We hope that Now&Me can be the safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Adjei @one_lilweirdo

What’s good

Aman Batta @amanbatta

I’d like to lend an ear. Please advise how to.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy Aman! We are glad to know that you want to help people ✨ You can reply to and connect with people who are reaching out on the Now&Me platform 🧡 🧡

Alex Mercer @dexter10

First post here.
Not sure how to start. Feel free to drop in recommendations on what process works best for you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyyy Alex, Welcome to Now&Me 🧡

Avtar @avi02


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hellooo Avtar, Glad to have you here 🧡🧡

m @abhinavbindra

I am feeling lonely🥺

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

We hope that Now&Me can be the safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨


I was operated on my breast in February but the test was a cyst and noncancerous but I’m so scare I want to run away I’m always thinking I’m very scared and I don’t have any one to talk to my daughter can’t understand she’s 10

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We’re so sorry to know that you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

We hope that Now&Me can be the safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Harsh Garg @harshgarg2100

It was my birthday yesterday, but it was just a normal day for me. I guess just normal days then others day’s. But today I get to know how much I mean to others in my life or they mean me to their world. Today I get to know never expect even little things from other who so ever it is. Because it’s just the worst feelings. Even that small wishes makes happy but sometimes that wishes also go blur with time. People remember you when the need you otherwise you mean nothing to them. Today I learnt you r only meant for yourself and now I don’t care for others but my hearts says you are like that harsh !!! So why I am hurting myself ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We’re so sorry to know that you’re going through a tough time. We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Anonymous @ewizy

I was feeling overwhelmed and lonely when I discovered this space. Nobody understands me they thought I’m crazy but in reality I’m trying so hard to find my feet. And this platform is designed to help share my thoughts and finding like minds. I just registered and also look forward towards something great.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

We hope that Now&Me can be the safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Krishanu Das @krishanu3

Hello everyone , I am new here.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy, Welcome to Now&Me 🧡

Niranjan P @niranjan

Iam new here how to use this app
Can anyone explain me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy, Welcome to Now&Me 🧡
This is a mental health community. You can share your feelings anonymously, learn from others experiences, and talk about anything! ✨🙌🏻
To know more check out our faqs
And you can always reach out to us!! 🧡 🧡

Anonymous @sunmoonlover

Love the concept of this app!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy, Thank youuuu 🥺🧡

Mohammed @zulfiqar

How can i get friend?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

You have us! 🧡🥺
Also, you can always interact with any and everyone in the community here ✨🌟


Feeling afraid, ashamed and alone

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

We hope that Now&Me can be the safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

ArTeená @teena45

Hello guys!🙂

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy, Welcome to Now&Me 🧡

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟

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Sakshi @schaurasiya

One small positive thought can change your whole day😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Yes it can 🧡!! Sending lots of positivity and love your way 🌟🌟

Zak Puckett @ztothephour

I find myself believing what I say, recognizing my incongruities and attempting to self correct. Im observant and not afraid to share my thoughts and conclusions. I listen and find an uncomfortable amount of evidence that everyone around me are blind to the possible implications of how they present themselves vs what they say. Here’s what i imagine responses to this would be: “you can expect from others what you expect of yourself” “you cant be critical and place judgement” “you dont and cant know what others have experienced”
I cant seem to get past entry level understanding. I accept and personally agree with all of those statements. What i have said involves those considerations. I will explain and do have the words and mental stamina to do so if someone ACTUALLY WANTS YO HELP to help, not to feel better. I cant and wont assume people are stupid or im smarter. Some of the most intelligent people die old, butter, and lonely. Based on my experience i can understand why.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟

Udisha Singh @anushka1708


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy, Welcome to Now&Me 🧡

Shahnawaz @shenway

Hey! I’ve just joined this app and I was wondering, is there a voice chat feature? I have a lot of poetry I’d like to read out, and I’d also like to listen to people’s problems. Loving the app so far!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy, Welcome to Now&Me 🧡 Thank you 🥺🥺🥺
Thank you for sharing your feedback with us! 🧡 We’ve made a 📝📝

Profile picture for Now&Me member @turkotb87

Turk @turkotb87

I’m not sure if anybody gonna respond but i’m got to sure my story because i need to talk about it… i had depression since 9 y/o i was so scared and sad, frightened by failure in future because i had a lot of potential and i had a lot more to prove, i was suppose to be an architect but things went bad to me, I’m realistic and those episodes did the damage and being depressive and sad is like falling apart, idk how to explain it more i feel sorry for myself cuz i waste my potential and i let alot of people down and this hurt me the most… good god my story is long, sorry for the long reading and i hope everybody heal soon and god bless y’all 🙏🏽❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡
We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind & supportive community! 🌟
Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Anshu Raj @euphoria0687

I am starting a new life,new job,new city and all alone. Nervous and excited at the same time. 💫

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡 All the best for this exciting journey! ✨✨

Nevaeh @nevaehiscool

i am feeling sad

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Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy! 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

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I can’t able to being strong from 3months I can’t able to control my emotions

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

heba khamis @hoba2510

So happy to be here

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

So happy to have you here 🌸🧡

Harleen @harleenquinzel

Anyone ever deal with marriage and affairs ?? Need some actual ventilation💣💨

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨


I think I should love my father because he’s provided me with everything I’ve asked for. He struggled financially in his time and made sure that none of his children would have to feel this way. And I love him so much for it, because I have lived a super comfortable life, there’s no denying that. But sometimes I wish he cared more about me as a person rather than just making sure I’m always provided for. Whenever I resent him for being completely absent or being a stranger to me, I’m overcome by guilt because I know my father has done everything in his power to make sure I have a comfortable life. I don’t want to take him for granted, and should be grateful for so much. But looking at him, I know as much as he does that we are complete strangers. We have absolutely no mutual interests and I know he prefers his solitude more than my companionship. It hurts me a lot, but at times I don’t feel like I’m justified to feel this way.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Immanuel @immanuelshaju

I am so confused
Id’nk what do next

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Immanuel @immanuelshaju

I don’t know what do totally sucked

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyyy 🧡

We hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you really feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Immanuel @immanuelshaju

I think it will pass soon , but …

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Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

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Rihanna @kellyqueen12

This is my first time seems nice

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy, Welcome to Now&Me 🧡


Can’t focus on anything getting disturbed too often😔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨


Hey there👋👋
I’m new here

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy, Welcome to Now&Me 🧡

Nikki @nikki_ninja97

Heyy, I just joined Now&Me, it seems like such a nice app 😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy, Welcome to Now&Me 🧡

dhanakar @tushaarr

People say I won’t talk much with people,
That’s true!
Coz I’m waiting for a great and mental listener 😂✌

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Lorian @lor

I just need a friend

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

syadav @theshweta

I need some peace in my life because everyone leaves whom I love they all leave me without giving any reason that hurt the most 🥺🥺🥺

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

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Sometimes our minds are disturbed or distracted for knowing why the other person is not properly behaving like they used to so we often times get annoyed

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Profile picture for Now&Me member @malaikanangia

Malaika Nangia @malaikanan...

This is such a lovely platform!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

We’re so grateful to have you as a part of our family. Now&Me wouldn’t be what is without amazing & awesome people like you. Thank you for all your love, kindness and support. ✨


I am feeling lonely and pregnant. Having a hard time in relationships. He is showing interest more in his brother wife than me. He said he is still not in love with his own child. There are so many things I want to share without any judgment. I need help someone who can listen to me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Cydnie @cjgrayscale

I just downloaded the app and am unsure what to post. I’m feeling overwhelmed with life lately and disconnected with my family which makes me feel very vulnerable.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community. You can start with telling us about how your day has been 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨


Just need friend to share my feelings without any judgment.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey, we hope that Now&Me is a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Godson V Joy @godsonvjoy


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Now&Me @nowandme

Hey! 👋🏼

mina Murmu @minamurmu


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Now&Me @nowandme

Hey! Welcome to Now&Me 🤗👋🏼 We’re so happy to see you here 🧡


Hey there! I am just a normal human. I have everything but consistency towards my studies. I have a supportive family, happy friends and more than sufficient amount of resources to ace my career. However, I still do not feel that much satisfied and joyous as I used to be once. I get that Time changes, people change and feelings change but our state of being happy and peaceful is in our hands even though it also changes. Thank you @Now&Me, great job of introducing this platform to the world :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey Anon!
Now&Me wouldn’t be what is without amazing & awesome people like you. Thank you for all your love, kindness and support. ✨

We hope that Now&Me continues to be a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨


Hello from the other side…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme



Hiya! I’m very lonely. Lost my Mother in March. No family near. Feel a bit of a weirdo. Have moved to a new place where I am buying a house.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey! Thank you very much for sharing and trusting us with your experiences 🧡 We hope that Now&Me continues to be a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨


I’m sad and depressed in life…not willing to do anything…not able to focus on anything

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey! Thank you very much for sharing and trusting us with your experiences 🧡

We hope that Now&Me continues to be a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🫂

Sending loads of love and hope ✨


I am very confused…I am extremely reserved but I got a friend I mean he changed into my best friend …but now i feel like he’s no longer interested in me …idk if am overthinking…when I asked him he told he never really initiates conversation and he also said am his good friend …I feel am disturbing him …am I overthinking??

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Thank you for reaching out to us. I’m so sorry to hear you’re not doing well :( There are a few things you can do right now:

1. Share with the community about what is bothering you
2. Speak to someone professional about what you’re feeling.
3. If you feel it is an emergency situation please contact your nearest hospital or this helpline.

Sending unconditional warmth and care to you,
Team Now&Me ✨🧡

sunil kumar @sunillamoria

Feeling boared


Me and my ex bf broke up a month ago. I still stalk his socmed on a daily basis. Is it even normal? I don’t even love him anymore. It’s more to hatred. I can’t move on.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Thank you for reaching out to us. I’m so sorry to hear you’re not doing well :( There are a few things you can do right now:

1. Share with the community about what is bothering you

2. Speak to someone professional about what you’re feeling.

3. If you feel it is an emergency situation please contact your nearest hospital or this helpline.

Anxious_thinker @nonexistent

Feeling inadequate and cut off from friends and family, hoping to focus on work but still getting rejected at work front. When will the good times come?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Thank you for reaching out to us. I’m so sorry to hear you’re not doing well :( There are a few things you can do right now:

1. Share with the community about what is bothering you

2. Speak to someone professional about what you’re feeling.

3. If you feel it is an emergency situation please contact your nearest hospital or this helpline.


I hope this app brings be some kind of comfort

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey! We hope the same 🤗🧡


Thank you for this

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey! Thank YOU very much for sharing and trusting us with your experiences and for being a part of the Now&Me community🧡

We hope that Now&Me continues to be a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨


Thank you!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey! Thank YOU very much for sharing and trusting us with your experiences and for being a part of the Now&Me community🧡

We hope that Now&Me continues to be a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨

Profile picture for Now&Me member @meili

Meili @meili

Thank you a lot

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey! Thank YOU very much for sharing and trusting us with your experiences and for being a part of the Now&Me community🧡

We hope that Now&Me continues to be a safe space for you to share how you feel and connect with a kind and supportive community 🌸

Sending loads of love and hope ✨


none bye
no one answered

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

We’re sorry that your experience on Now&Me hasn’t been the best lately 🥺
We would love to speak to you to understand your experience in detail. You can email 📧 us at and we’ll get in touch with you. Hoping to talk to you soon.✨

Lilia @miraea

I’m enjoying it so far <3

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Yayyy! We are so glad that you are, Lilia 🌺

Amira Sakura @yuxi

Lot of thoughts. None of them make sense. Head is very very loud but so quiet at the same time. Nothing is making sense

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

We’re so sorry to hear you’re not doing well :( There are a few things you can do right now:

1. Share with the community about what is bothering you

2. Speak to someone professional about what you’re feeling.

3. If you feel it is an emergency situation, please contact your nearest hospital or this helpline.

Sending unconditional warmth and care for you
Team Now&Me ✨🧡

NIKITA BISHT @idonthaveana...

Hi, so I have no idea how am I gonna type and literally gonna cent out. I am feeling so anxious even typing this

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

We’re so sorry to hear you’re not doing well :( Hope you’re doing better today.

There are a few things you can do right now:
1. Share with the community about what is bothering you
2. Speak to someone professional about what you’re feeling.
3. If you feel it is an emergency situation, please contact your nearest hospital or this helpline.

Sending unconditional warmth and care to you
Team Now&Me ✨🧡


I don’t feel happy… why do i always have to think bout others?

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kriti bhardwaj @annoymous

Just here for ease myself and I’m suffering from alot anxiety right now don’t know how to over come why life is too hard …!!

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @lovelyluce12

lucy @lovelyluce12

Is it just me or when a loved one has died and u look at the sky can u see a cloud of their face


I’m feeling so drained like there’s no energy left in me 😩😩😩

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Writing for the first time here or anywhere on the internet about me. But I really need to take everything out of me. It’s really getting heavy here. For me it’s very hard to express what I feel or what I’m going through. It takes me a lot time to know what I was actually going through. I was betrayed by every single person in my life. And the result is what am I now. Everyone was there for betraying me for judging me for hating without any reason

M @sumaiya

Hi to the new world! I don’t think so everybody agreeing on my pov. Atleast will get somebody to read this hoepfully. Actually got out of my relationship a month ago and can’t able get over it . Trying very very hard . I ended the relationship by telling too many lies and felt like I’m not the person whoever i wanna be anymore , i lost myself i.e, funny and happy sumaiya. I had the thought of that he just pulled each and every inch of the freedom outta my life. After breakup, i started to fee alone and regretted that i took the bad decision but on the other side i definitely he is the bad influence on me like he’s not even my type, he and I disagree on many things, no similarly between us etc… But rather than that, I’m still having the obsession on hearing his voice, speaking to him like a friendly talk and seeing him. I am trying much harder not to be calling him but i can’t be able to do that!
Thou I’m distracting myself on other works, but at the end of the day, my call log will have his call.

And I started to think like Love is so hard. Commitment is such a b*tch. Sorry but seriously who invented commitment. It’s-so hard to commit to one person. And i feel like i’m having too many expectations on my partner and surely I’m gonna end up alone.

Okay this is enough for today. If you read the above thing, you will definitely think that I’m crazy, BECAUSE I’M CRAZY.

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @amitchoudhary

Amit @amitchoudhary

Maine ye aap abhi join kara hai aur finally mujhe ek aisi jagah mil gai Jahan mein kuch Apne thought share kar sakta hun aur kuchh aise logon se mil sakta hun jo kuchh Apne bare mein batana chahte hai

Jashan Pandher @jayj

Any one awake?


Feeling lonely and not loved

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Abhishek Singh @alone_warr...

A happy person with happy mind make the environment happy and peaceful 😊.

Rayudu Royals @rayudu

Iam so happy to you

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sanjna singh @sanjna

New friends achiv

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sanooja @sanfass2000


sanooja @sanfass2000

Feeling so very sad. It’s like breaking every thing apart.

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DEBJIT SAHA @debjit_20

I lost my 3 yr relation.
For misunderstanding she broke up with me.

She can’t feel how I feel

Ank @ankita9498

Is it a good thing to laugh at each other in a relationship, if that person does not know anything, then he should laugh at the reason for explaining or should he be explained it

Shaikh Fahad @fs1111

Connect with new people

bubble bee @bumble_bee

Hey, new bie here

Swathi p s @swaaa

Heyyaa!! New here , don’t know how exactly this works but yeah hi. How y’all? What you guys up to ?

ʟɢ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ @lokesh00


choudhary @lalitt

एक स्त्री की कल्पना बहुत तेज चलती है
वो एक ही पल में प्रेम में छल, छल से त्याग और उस वियोग में मृत्यु की कल्पना तक कर लेती है वो भी उस शख़्स के लिए जिसने अभी प्रेम प्रस्तावित तक न किया हो।।

jai Ram Yadav @anjai

Life are very simple, routine life but now it’s make little better with fun and happiness

rdk @24amit

Life is good use it proper

shubham @ycllaaa


vivke roy @vivke


Armaan Mallik @avwu8s7q1v

Alone …anybody intrested

Babusona Naiya @bravo


Hemant @bossboss



I’m created aforgetccount now
I don’t kn hw to use and
Don’t Kn wht wil happen 🤷🏻‍♂️

singham @singham


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Uttam Sahu @golu_sahu

Hey i am college student & i my current status is single, i want someone whom i can share my feelings ,emotions & something , & whom i can trust 🙂
& Sorry to say this but my English is weak a little bit… 🙃

venkatesh @venkey


Rajiv @rajivvvvv


Anurag Yadav @avinash00143


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Sugam Jain @sugam

Any group for remove struss and talk to feel happy.


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