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We were on a break because of constant fights and arguments! We took a space of 45 days we really needed it to sort things by ourselves of our own in order to function normally

I texted him after 45 days he has left me on seen ! He hasn’t blocked me or changed dp everything is same I am sure he hasn’t moved on I too have not moved on what to do now?

6 replies

I am sorry to say that ,but going on break actually means that both you wanna see that if you are more happy without each other or can live without each other & thats what happened here i guess , so sorry


No in our case we wanted to get out of the loop of toxic patterns of arguments and misunderstandings!
He never asked for break I didn’t wanted a break but circumstances were such that I stopped talking and he stopped expecting so break of 45 days came in pictures meanwhile I learned a lot about myself and he seemed to be having good time with his friends and cinema etc !

Now after 45 days we have liked each other story on social media app and I have shared a video of a flower with our favourite song , I want to take it slow I don’t want to seem needy but I want him to know he is on my mind and things can be better this time around if …. If we both want !!


Send message again
Maybe he is busy


Yes I will try at night maybe


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