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Watching insta reels and seeing many people or teens talking about broken heart and stuff makes me realise that I don’t even have an ex and I’m already in my 20s. Being single makes me realise will I stay single like this lol? Anyways, how people get into relationships. I can’t even get out of bed in the morning.

16 replies

Yeah you are right even 14-15 get engaged 😅


Ikr! I get stressed seeing those beautiful girls and boys like damn an average guy like me who’s brown would get someone? Stressing about this all the time lol


Don’t underestimate yourself


I’m way too in that lol. Underestimating is in my blood lol

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Like idk… I feel undermined lol. First I’m in 20s and now lost all that confidence lol

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Exactly yaarrr!
I just wonder how do they find a perfect partner.i mean like howwww??
I too have never been into any relationship aur ab toh lgra h ki koi milegya bhi kabhiii because after this entire pandemic my entire social life is just 0


Yeah ik… BTW you are boy or girl?




I’m in 10th all my friends are in a relationship literally my entire class is in a relationship. Whenever somebody asks me and i tell them that i’m not in a relationship they literally see me an alien. I am not saying that they cannot have strong feelings for anyone in their teen period but it is wrong to expect every body to be in a relationship atleast once. I will suggest you to just chill right now things destined for you will come to you eventually :)


I’ll break it up for you… You’re in 10th and I’m in adulthood and there’s a huge difference tbh. You still have time to cover things maybe but I can’t now… Lol that’s how it is.


Look mate neither me nor you need to cover or hide things. You can start a relationship whenever you’re ready. Don’t have a relationship just to show people that you have one. I hope i’ve made my point clear :))


Relationship is not a subscription haha that I can start whenever I want… Not in today’s time where looks, money and other factors matter. If it was easy then many guys here wouldn’t be single… I hope I made my point clear too.

jay @jay12

Yeah you are correct bro

jay @jay12

Same feelings


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