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Mental HealthThought


Very often people say "pain is temporary"so I tried to see pain in the same way.
Let me say it came in a very unexpected way,caused Chaos within me both mentally and physically ,could not talk to anyone or could not even get sleep for month’s,made a panic even at things or people or anything the used to do or enjoy or be with , literally everything around me was seemed clueless & negativity was controling me , instead of me controlling it ,so happend over n over again untill one day a memory pop’s up
,the memory which is when I was a child whenever I used to feel pain , I was told "it’s temporary stop thinking about it , everything will to okay ,alright or fine soon on bla bla bla and I used to believe that and believe myself with a smile which was making me stronger and so it did , so even this time I re-applied that memory and told myself that same words everytime , it worked , I’m still healing slowly but better and stronger than before ,
So let me say this again people
Pain is temporary
It’s,okay everthing will be alright and fine very soon so please trust the process and most importantly please ,please ,please “Believe in yourself” , cuz your stronger

Lot’s of love
Thanks for reading .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @angelblue
2 replies

Thank you for the subtle courage you’ve given me. That is beautiful and I’m so happy to hear you’re healing!! Thank you for the encouragement, you’re a beautiful soul! :D

Profile picture for Now&Me member @angelblue

ANGEL BLUE @angelblue

Alright now that was stunning I mean thank you🔥
Always yours, AngelBlue


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