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Vent: I found texts on my bf’s phone with another woman. It broke my heart 💔
It’s been about a month since. He said it happened because he thought I was cheating on him. Only thought; I wasn’t, and he didn’t have anything to say when I asked him what made him suspicious.
He cried a lot, and I decided to give him another chance.
A week ago he told me that he has to go to a different city for a friend’s wedding and that he would be staying with two friends (female). I felt really weird about the situation, especially after what had happened.
While he was there, we had a big fight. When these two friends found him distressed, they asked him what happened and he told them that I have depression and that I don’t trust him. He told them that I was insecure about him staying with them and now I’m so embarassed that I want the earth to swallow me whole. This is the absolute worst. I cannot believe this is the person I love and was my best friend for a long time. I cannot stop crying.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @samosaperson
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kuldee9
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ispshivam
Profile picture for Now&Me member @imshapeboy
19 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @samosaperson

samosaperson @samosaperson

What did I just read? 👀👀



Profile picture for Now&Me member @samosaperson

samosaperson @samosaperson

I have a feeling that this person is quite selfish and immature. He is already building an army against you. Girl, he is bad news and if the events unfolded like you said they did, you need to take a break from the relationship for a while and re-evaluate your values and priorities. Continuing it this way will kill your self esteem.


He is not being honest with you, he seems to have a lot of insecurities, without honesty and clear communication its hard for the relationship to work…especially accusing you of cheating while he does suspecious things is manipulative behaviour, try talking with him clearly and tell your concerns, he should confide in you and not other female friends…see how the talk goes, but if the same behavior persists better to get away…otherwise you will not have mental peace in the long run…


I don’t know what to trust anymore or what to do. I feel like I’ve depended on him too much.
I know he has some insecurities which I have tried to work out, but I seem to always be the bad one in any situation. This time it’s his friends thinking the worst of me and him calling me “small-minded” because I was uncomfortable with him staying with those friends in a different city, without me. Is that so unreasonable?


It is not at all unreasonable…its hard but you need to take some space from him and assess your situation and decide what to do, your self-respect and menatal peace are important too…you cant be always trying to understand and catering to the person…

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @kuldee9

kuldeep singh @kuldee9

Yapp, I can feel u bro


Once a cheater is always a cheater…mark my words… Cheating is a choice if he could make it once he will choose it again


Cheaters should not get a second chance they don’t change…and then cheating and accusing you of the same is the biggest red flag. Girl if you wanna save ur heart… RUN…
Having insecurities after someone gave u enough reason for is nothing to be embarrassed about.
He just doesn’t sound sincere at all. Get a grip girl… Look for yourself


Thanks for the advice. :)
I am taking some time away from him. I have also spoken to a therapist and it is helping me gain a better perspective on the situation.

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Could you tell me what happened?

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Big Time for you to check if you really want to be in a relationship with him only to be belittled and be embarrassed. He may as well be doing this to hide his mistakes and to make you feel guilty about the whole situation.


I spoke to a therapist, and while talking about the relationship, similar patterns appeared in everyday situations with him (makes a mistake, blames me, I feel guilty, I begin to make excuses for them).
It’s immensely difficult right now, but I have realised that I cannot continue this way.


This self-absorbed fool doesn’t even know what he wants so how can he be with you? One of the reasons they cheat is because they are uncertain and do not know what it means to be in a relationship

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ispshivam

Shivam Singh @ispshivam

Just forgive him and move on by accepting the situation

Profile picture for Now&Me member @imshapeboy

VJ @imshapeboy

The same happend with me… Not even wants to remember it… It’s hard to think about it and to trust it… That she did it to me… Or she were just a reason to show me a lessons of life love… Obivious Stuck! I had to end that relation even though I begged her to stay in my life… Even after knowing she was cheating with me… Bcz I was so attached with her that i can’t let her go… I asked her some time some days to let me be ready about our break up… Then we will do it with mutual understanding… But i dont know what and why I was doing this… Still don’t know what is it what it was… I just lost something idk what. Sad us with happy face.


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